Lost the post I was working on!

I was putting a post together and went off to another site to get some info and when I came back the whole thing had gone! :frowning:

I can shoot off on other sites and come back to what I was working on and find it still intact can we not do that here?

Do you mean you used the back button on your browser to return here and the post you had earlier been writing had gone and the text box was blank ?

If so what browser are you using ?

Or am I misunderstanding what you’re saying.

No you’re spot on! I’m using Safari this morning although I usually use Chrome.

While your writing a post, everything is held on your computer not on our servers, it is only sent to our servers once you hit the submit button.

There is nothing this end that can affect the length of time you have to write a post.

So do you think the choice of browser might be responsible?

It’s a browser issue, with Firefox I can write a post and leave this site then come back using the back button and the post is still there but not in Internet Explorer.
Sorry but I can’t comment on Safari or Chrome as I don’t use them.

44 Tonne Ton:
So do you think the choice of browser might be responsible?

Yes :wink:

Ok, cheers chaps!

just open up a new tab … and you can switch between tabs easily… without losing any work …

I use Firefox and don’t have any problems with it, I can be half way through a long reply or rant, and go into VOSA or IRU to check something and come back to my post using the back button.

My only maddening thing is that I use a Windows keyboard and have caught the control :question: button and lost everything.

Internet Explorer and Chrome are the only ones that cause me problems, I use Safari for another forum and to keep up with the world news.

As man-tga said, don’t navigate away from the post you are working on, if you want to do something else just open a new tag and navigate around using that.