Lost tachos

A mate has lost some tachos and of course is now being asked to hand them in. What do you think his options are? The best I could come up with was to manual entries on the back as replacements although this will involve covering a period of several weeks. Suggestions welcome! :smiley:

i would suggest that he leaves by the back door :stuck_out_tongue: but on a more serious note tell the boss and see what he suggest if he filled them in manually and did not tell he should be in hot water

This ā€œmateā€ of yours could visit a solicitor and offer to swear an Affadavit that the statement is true. at risk of perjuring himself. It should keep the boss happy, but I imagine VOSA will take a slight interest.

Or there are some cheap flights available to Bolivia :stuck_out_tongue:

The best thing for him to do is to write a disclaimer letter for each of the missing tacho`s explaining that he has lost the tacho and should he find them he will hand them in! The problem with doing manual entries on the reverse of a chart is it should be a true reflection of the day! which I guess would be difficult to do!!

This is an easy one.
The law requires you to keep a written record.
So all you need to do is record what tachoā€™s youā€™ve lost.
Then youā€™re legal.

Other than that, Next time you are asked for them, Just say ā€œI put them on your desk last weekā€ :wink:

Several weeks will count against him as youā€™re only supposed to keep them 28 days. If heā€™d have had 28 days or less worth then thereā€™s a chance nothing will come of it. He could fill in the mileage from his daily check sheets. However, moer than 28 days missing is a problem as it suggests theyā€™re not being handed in and the employer isnā€™t enforcing the requirements enough.

If they are lost they are lost, big deal.

He will fill in a lost my tachos form and if he is not believed then if he has no previous and the mileage on the motor is not about a thousand miles over what is possible in his driving time then he is o/k.

If he makes up some daft story he heard on the Internet then he is goosed.

I would imagine that VOSA would only take an interest in your ahem ā€œmatesā€ :neutral_face: :wink: missing tachoā€™s if for what every reason they wanted to look into his hours further, spot check on the operator/yearly check etc etcā€¦that is assuming now that your ahem ā€œmateā€ :confused: :wink: now has 28 days worth on him should he get pulled by the ministry.

EDIT: But if he hasnt yet got 28 dayā€™s worth he is sailing very close to the wind IMPO, one or 2 missing heā€™d probably be given a stern word from wheel tapper. But a couple of weeks worth missing and should they get pulled by wheel tapper going by previous comments on this forum regarding VOSA/tachoā€™s etc then i doubt they be happy with ā€œI lost them Mr Vosa, honestā€¦ā€

May be geebee45 or macdoog could add their 2 cents worth :question: :question: :smiley:

Just out on interest do you know how your ahem ā€œmateā€ came to loose his tachoā€™s :question: :question: , just so none of us loose them the same way in futureā€¦ :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

If they are lost they are lost, big deal.

" BIG DEAL " ā– ā– ?, You obviously donā€™t know much about tacho regulations. It could be a very expensive lesson both for the driver and the employer. One or two discs missing wouldnā€™t be too much of a problem but a few weeks means big trouble ahead.

I can hear Mrs BB grinding her axe now down the bottom of the garden in her potting shed :exclamation: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


If they are lost they are lost, big deal.

" BIG DEAL " ā– ā– ?, You obviously donā€™t know much about tacho regulations. It could be a very expensive lesson both for the driver and the employer. One or two discs missing wouldnā€™t be too much of a problem but a few weeks means big trouble ahead.

Donā€™t let these people worry you lad. If they are lost then they are lost. It is easy to lose a wallet containing all of your cards. We are all human and mistakes happen.
If you do get a pull then just tell them they are lost and make sure that your employer is aware they are lost too. If they get suspicious then they may look for a reason why a few dozen cards blew out the window. They may approach your firm and request previous charts. If your previous charts are all accounted for and in order then it is very unlikely that it would go any further.

One of our lads was pulled a while ago coming off the boat. He was in a hired lorry and left all his charts in his own unit. Got pulled at Castle Kennedy and the VOSA got the firm to fax copies of his last weeks charts he handed in. They looked at them and were satisfied we wasnā€™t trying to pull a fast one. He was sent on his way with no further action.

You ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  all think itā€™s me who ā€œlostā€ them,eh? Not so my friends, not guilty on this one! :smiley:

Thanks for the replies, I will pass them on to my ā€œmateā€.

You [zb] all think itā€™s me who ā€œlostā€ them,eh? Not so my friends, not guilty on this one! :smiley:

Thanks for the replies, I will pass them on to my ā€œmateā€ .

lol yeah ok Tartan we all believe you dont we lads/ lasses :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

tell youre mate :wink: to write out hand tachos days off included corresponding to his payslips .