Lost Tacho

I had my bag stolen from my car and as well as loosing my sat nav etc and other things Im a little worried about the tachos that were also took.

4 weeks tachos for a company I worked for 3 months back were stolen and until now had nobody to ask untill i joined your site. Should i be worried if vosa pull me? i work for different agencies now and go to different companies most days. What can i do to put this right if anything?

Also another quick querie if anyone out there can help me I was taught when i first started working at a company 8 months back that on my analogue charts I should be writing start of working day SOWD and End of working day EOWD on the front of my tacho when every i performed otherwork before and after taking my tacho out but recently bin told by a company that it is an offence to do this as writing any where on front of tacho is against the law is this right?

Thanks for any information or advice you can give me about the above.

The D

you record other work as a manual entry on the REAR of the tacho by putting a line in the OTHER WORK (cross hammers) box across the times you did other any work before you put the tachoin and any other work you did after you took tacho out.

writing on the front of tacho AFAIK is an offence, the only time you write on the front is in the centre bit, could be wrong though.

The Daddy:
4 weeks tachos for a company I worked for 3 months

if VOSA pulled you over and you showed them those i think they’d be paying the company a visit as your only supposed to keep 28 calendar days plus your current days tacho i think.

one of the experts will prob put me right on all the above though :exclamation: :grimacing: :grimacing:

The Daddy:
I had my bag stolen from my car and as well as loosing my sat nav etc and other things Im a little worried about the tachos that were also took.

4 weeks tachos for a company I worked for 3 months back were stolen and until now had nobody to ask untill i joined your site. Should i be worried if vosa pull me? i work for different agencies now and go to different companies most days. What can i do to put this right if anything?

Ideally you should report the loss of the charts to VOSA which then covers you if the companies records are checked in the future. However they will take a dim view of you having charts going back that far as it is your responsibility to return them to the transport organisation whose orders you were subject to in driving the vehicle. It is a level 4 offence which carries a maximum fine of £2500, so maybe best to not tell them. A roadside check probably won’t be a problem as they likely won’t go back that far and wouldn’t expect you to have charts from 3 months ago anyway.

The Daddy:
Also another quick querie if anyone out there can help me I was taught when i first started working at a company 8 months back that on my analogue charts I should be writing start of working day SOWD and End of working day EOWD on the front of my tacho when every i performed otherwork before and after taking my tacho out but recently bin told by a company that it is an offence to do this as writing any where on front of tacho is against the law is this right?

No, it is not right. You can write on this type of thing on the front of the chart provided you do not do so in a place where it will interfere with the traces on the chart. Although the rear of the chart is the ‘normal’ place to make manual entries, and a grid is provided for this, you would not be committing an offence if you made them on the front of the chart, again provided they are away from the traces.

Cruise Control:
you record other work as a manual entry on the REAR of the tacho by putting a line in the OTHER WORK (cross hammers) box across the times you did other any work before you put the tachoin and any other work you did after you took tacho out.

writing on the front of tacho AFAIK is an offence, the only time you write on the front is in the centre bit, could be wrong though.

You are. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Cruise Control:

The Daddy:
4 weeks tachos for a company I worked for 3 months

if VOSA pulled you over and you showed them those i think they’d be paying the company a visit as your only supposed to keep 28 calendar days plus your current days tacho i think.

And possibly fining him. It is the responsibility of the driver to return them and the company to ensure the driver does so. Fines of up to £2500 for both.

Cruise Control:
one of the experts will prob put me right on all the above though :exclamation: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Happy to oblige. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: