Lost post

Before long we wont even be allowed to refuse their offer of “cheap” tarmac. It’s funny when I do “diddyjobs” the lorry wont drive forwards and tip (spread and tip for driveways) yet it does for other customers. We all do this :laughing:

Been told not to post a thread simply to get a reaction?surely thats the whole idea of a forum isn,t it??

What did ya post?
Just asking to get an Idea what we shall avoid.



Been told not to post a thread simply to get a reaction?surely thats the whole idea of a forum isn,t it??

Do not post a thread simply to get a reaction or to have a go at any part of society using language that offends some people.

Well,yes,i understand.
But Society,…
Sometimes something brings you in a Mood you have to let Steam off.
You just post it,just to let other know without plan of any aggressively.
Now,to we count to Society
the Company,which could be big and Powerfull
or a Driver who was doing Stupid
or just general abusing.
I think,that will give some Work and discussion to the Moderators if wether right or wrong deleted Posts.

OK we have to stick to the Rules.Just so more Rules are so more Mistake someone can do.


Not site admins’ fault there are too many people with useless degrees willing to support them.

Its not site admins fault,nor the mods fault. Its YOUR fault, you knew quite well when you said …i wonder how long it will take if i say this or that to get a topic removed… Lets not beat around the bush, lets call a spade a spade, you knew the boundaries and you still pushed them. Now its all over, exactly because of you. So because you can’t watch your mouth, other people feel they’ve had their expressions squashed. Lets not blame people with degree’s, lets blame a tipper driver. Not a fact that will go wasted on many readers. And thats exactly how it is.

Isn’t fly tipping, pretending to work for the council, lifting diesel and road signs and expecting us to put the damage right more offensive?



Not site admins’ fault there are too many people with useless degrees willing to support them.

Its not site admins fault,nor the mods fault. Its YOUR fault, you knew quite well when you said …i wonder how long it will take if i say this or that to get a topic removed… Lets not beat around the bush, lets call a spade a spade, you knew the boundaries and you still pushed them. Now its all over, exactly because of you. So because you can’t watch your mouth, other people feel they’ve had their expressions squashed. Lets not blame people with degree’s, lets blame a tipper driver. Not a fact that will go wasted on many readers. And thats exactly how it is.

Isn’t fly tipping, pretending to work for the council, lifting diesel and road signs and expecting us to put the damage right more offensive?

Hi Muckaway,

Yes, of course that’s offensive.

However, it’s equally offensive for people to just tar a complete section of society with the same brush on the basis of something that’s unconnected.

For example, if I said that all tipper drivers are ZBs (choose your own derogatory word,) then that would be offensive to those tipper drivers who aren’t actually ZBs wouldn’t it?

In exactly the same way, aren’t there are travelling folk who don’t do the things you’ve just mentioned above ?

:bulb: Some people sometimes need more of an explanation than others, so how fair of me would it be to suggest that it’s always because they’re tipper drivers? :laughing: :laughing:

… Lets not beat around the bush, lets call a spade a spade…

Best not on this forum, should be on pre-mod for that! :slight_smile:

Jeez - now the Caravan Utilizing Nomadic Travellers have managed to infiltrate here! For the record there are two Caravan Utilizing Nomadic Traveller official sites locally, and they are thieving law breaking scum - the sites are constantly shrouded in a pall of thick smoke from the bonfires lit to melt the shrouding from stolen cables, and are surrounded by stolen vehicles. Am I tarring them all with the same brush? If you lie down with dogs you will get fleas…

The Sarge:
If you lie down with dogs you will get fleas…

Nope, … sorry, but I just don’t see how your argument is valid.

For instance, I’m self-employed, I pay my taxes and NI, own my own house and do honest work.

Given that I live in this country, would I be allowed to sell my house and buy a caravan instead?
Am I allowed to site my new caravan at a legal caravan site and move around to other legal caravan sites at will?

If I choose to do what I’ve described above and carry on with my normal work, would I have automatically become what you’ve described in your post above?

I don’t think so, and I’d object very strongly to being labelled as <the “P” word> for no other reason than I chose to live nomadically in a caravan.

The point here is that IMHO it’s completely wrong to call everybody a <the “P” word> solely on the basis that they happen to have chosen to live in a caravan.

In exactly the same way, aren’t there are travelling folk who don’t do the things you’ve just mentioned above ?

No. It is the fundamental nature of a Diddycoy that they would sooner have a stolen shilling than an honestly earned pound.

Dave, I would love for you to park on a gippo site - and see how long you last.

Harry Monk:

In exactly the same way, aren’t there are travelling folk who don’t do the things you’ve just mentioned above ?

No. It is the fundamental nature of a Diddycoy that they would sooner have a stolen shilling than an honestly earned pound.

A Diddicoy maybe, but not “All” of the travelling community- the problem is when a term refering to a bad element (no matter how large that element) is applied in a general term to all.

Not all young black men are muggers
Not all white people are racists
Not all truck drivers crap in car parks
Not all muslims are terrorists
Not all Americans are fat
Not all travellers are thieves
Not all coppers are Ba… the result of unwed parents
Not all politicians are liars
Not all priests are kiddy fiddlers
not all nurses are angels
not all soldiers are hero’s
not all builders are cowboys

Generalisation and stereotyping doesnt work. adding to the sterotyping by calling all travellers a term that those who dont thieve and con find highly offensive, and in fact only use it themselves in a totally derogative fashion to describe those within their own community they despise, will not happen on here any more.

If that term had only been used on here to describe the worst elements of the travelling community then it would have had stayed, and in fact had been used for a number of years in that context - however recently it was used, despite repeated requests not too, towards every member of the travelling community.

It is percieved in law as racist to apply that term to all members of the travelling community and not only the worst element. Just because you dislike an section of community doesnt mean the law changes to allow you to use derogatory terms towards them, if the term is deemed offensive it is an offence.

Because some people here could not respect that simple fact, we have been left with no choice but to add that term to the word censor. The only people to blame for this, is not those who complained but those who continue to demonise an entire sector of society for the actions of some of its members…

Well, as far as I’m aware, the term has only ever been used to describe those travellers with whom we truck drivers have contact. Since truck-spotting is not generally considered to be a diddycoy activity, this is normally because they have some nefarious motive. This entitles us to feel opprobrium towards them and bestow upon them a name which is less than flattering.

Harry Monk:
Well, as far as I’m aware, the term has only ever been used to describe those travellers with whom we truck drivers have contact. Since truck-spotting is not generally considered to be a diddycoy activity, this is normally because they have some nefarious motive. This entitles us to feel opprobrium towards them and bestow upon them a name which is less than flattering.


However, a problem arises when some posters tar the whole of the travelling community with a 6" brush <the “P” word>, which is then offensive to the travellers who are actually honest folk.

:bulb: The point that won’t go away is that not all travellers are thieves.


Harry Monk:
Well, as far as I’m aware, the term has only ever been used to describe those travellers with whom we truck drivers have contact. Since truck-spotting is not generally considered to be a diddycoy activity, this is normally because they have some nefarious motive. This entitles us to feel opprobrium towards them and bestow upon them a name which is less than flattering.


However, a problem arises when some posters tar the whole of the travelling community with a 6" brush <the “P” word>, which is then offensive to the travellers who are actually honest folk.

:bulb: The point that won’t go away is that not all travellers are thieves.

Says you


Harry Monk:
Well, as far as I’m aware, the term has only ever been used to describe those travellers with whom we truck drivers have contact. Since truck-spotting is not generally considered to be a diddycoy activity, this is normally because they have some nefarious motive. This entitles us to feel opprobrium towards them and bestow upon them a name which is less than flattering.


However, a problem arises when some posters tar the whole of the travelling community with a 6" brush <the “P” word>, which is then offensive to the travellers who are actually honest folk.

:bulb: The point that won’t go away is that not all travellers are thieves.

Equally I’m quite sure that there must be a few Welsh people do not have ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ with sheep, but you haven’t added “Sheepshagger” to the auto censor in order to avoid offending them.

There’s nothing intrinsically offensive about what you call “the P word”, it comes from the word “turnpike”, that being a barrier on early toll roads.

Can you think of a reason why travellers have this reputation for dishonesty? I mean, we don’t live in fear of pink-haired old ladies syphoning off our diesel and think up offensive names for them.

Now, how about you ban the word “Scally”, which has exactly the same meaning in your part of the country that ■■■■■ has in mine?

Argue all you like, as it stands We have been informed on more than one occassion that the way the term was being used was offensive and if steps were not taken to cease and desist publishing the term in such a manner then action could be taken against us as publishers.

We asked the members not use use the term against the whole travelling community and only towards the elements of that section of society that it could justifiably apply too. members failed to do this. so can longer use that term.

We will not spend out uneeded legal costs simply because some members cannot think before they type.

There are plenty of websites that will allow you to use that term and vent your anger/rage/hatred… this is not one of them. Dont like it?, then members should have posted responsibly in the first place…

The question has been asked why… the answer has been given, and that is the end of the subject as far as we are concerned.

“Didds” seems to be the word used around here to describe them; Is that acceptible?
My Father in law gets Didds around his workshop after the scrap metal quite a lot. They wont buy it from him though, just expect it given to them.

OK, point taken, “Gippo” it is from now on then :wink:

Harry Monk:
OK, point taken, “Gippo” it is from now on then :wink:


Well, we have to have some word to describe these charming itinerant folk who thieve our diesel while we sleep, steal cars, flog roses in pubs for “childrens’ charities”, nick lead off roofs, burgle garden sheds, blag entry to old peoples houses to rob them, do dodgy tarmac jobs using Mint Imperials as a substitute for white chippings, and thieve anything that isn’t nailed down but will fit in the back of an untaxed Transit when nobody’s looking.

How about “Gippopotamuses” :question: