Lost licence and job through epilepsy

I am so gutted, just been diagnosed with epilepsy. Only had 1 solitary nocturnal seizure a few months ago and now got to surrender my license. I just wanna cry :cry: :cry: :cry:

That’s awful, I can only imagine how I’d feel in your situation and I think I would cry, a lot.

I am so gutted, just been diagnosed with epilepsy. Only had 1 solitary nocturnal seizure a few months ago and now got to surrender my license. I just wanna cry :cry: :cry: :cry:

I have always said this, take a lorry drivers licence away will be like taking there heart away.

not good news sorry to hear that

i cant imagine what you’re going through. was it potter that this also happened too?

Mr B:
i cant imagine what you’re going through. was it potter that this also happened too?

Yes mate, i found his post last night

It’s a crapper mate. I had my licence revoked in November and lost both C and D.

Just make sure they are correct in thier diagnosis. I had 2 blackouts in January 2010 and when I was shown my notes in November, there was a diagnosis made in February. Thats strange as none of the test results were back, and there was no answer to the DVLA in September when they asked for information. I am fighting it all with the help of another neurologist who isn’t happy with the situation, especially as the one who made the origonal diagnosis has been suspended for some reason.

Financially it’s knackered me right up, but I will be seeking legal advice.

The new doctor I am dealing with seems to think I have suffered mini strokes or at worse have MS.

Anyway, good luck to you as I know exactly how you must be feeling.

A quick read of this might help


This is only the latest as my licence was revoked in 2007 after a blackout ha a lot of test then only to be given the all clear later that year but still took me until Jan 08 to gain my licence back ( this was car & bike ) did eventually get it up graded after a long battle with DVLA ( was on 1st name terms with some of them :laughing: )

So know how you feel but it is not the end of the world trust me as I did eventually go back to work last Feb then in Dec the above happened so back to see the Dr & another visit to the neurologist in March where I was given the all clear to drive

As I understand if you stay free from a seizure for the year they may give you your licence back although it may be a short 1 ie 1 year then a medical after that time as has been said make sure you get the right diagnosis ( the 1st time I went I had a very good Dr as well as the support form my own GP which made a difference )

Depends where you live as you can now chose the hospital you wish to go & I am very lucky to have 1 of the best neurology departments in the country on my doorstep

Good luck with it but it is not all bad trust me as have been through something similar

Darby Flyer:
It’s a crapper mate. I had my licence revoked in November and lost both C and D.

Just make sure they are correct in thier diagnosis. I had 2 blackouts in January 2010 and when I was shown my notes in November, there was a diagnosis made in February. Thats strange as none of the test results were back, and there was no answer to the DVLA in September when they asked for information. I am fighting it all with the help of another neurologist who isn’t happy with the situation, especially as the one who made the origonal diagnosis has been suspended for some reason.

Financially it’s knackered me right up, but I will be seeking legal advice.

The new doctor I am dealing with seems to think I have suffered mini strokes or at worse have MS.

It financially knackered me too as was on sick for just short of 3 years so know that feeling

If it is MS it not al that bed either as can be treated with drugs also you can still drive but you wil have to inform DVLA & they will poss place you on a short term licence ( 1 year then they will pay for your medical ) just ask Lucy on here as she has it & still works full time driving with some luck they have caught yours at an early stage

If it is a mini stroke it is not all doom as my Father in Law had 1 a few years ago but after about a year had a medical as no further incidents so received his licence back ( think he had to do treadmill test ) so there is hope
Anyway, good luck to you as I know exactly how you must be feeling.

I am so gutted, just been diagnosed with epilepsy. Only had 1 solitary nocturnal seizure a few months ago and now got to surrender my license. I just wanna cry :cry: :cry: :cry:

I know exactly how you feel mate, been there and done that, I would suggest you surrender your license as oppose to them demanding it, it makes it easier to get it back.

Have they done all the tests? I had the full lot, you will get referred to a specialist, they may put you on tablets, the good news is that if you go a year without having a seizure they will give you your car licence back, it will be a restricted licence but at least you will have it back!

Make sure you are getting all the benefits you are entitled too, disability living allowance, employment and support allowance etc, you will also get a free bus pass but your doctor will need to write you a letter and just take it to the local council office.

If there is anything I can do to help mate, let me know, it’s not nice to start with but it does get better, hope you feel better soon :slight_smile:

How do you get DLA as I was refused it also refused a bus pass & lost my licence twice in 2007 & 2010 & have still been refused all even when my Dr said I wasnt fit for work

If you have read any of what I said above I have been there done that not easy went for all the test etc kids were told to video it if had 1 so they could look at it I still got no help

How do you get DLA as I was refused it also refused a bus pass & lost my licence twice in 2007 & 2010 & have still been refused all even when my Dr said I wasnt fit for work

If you have read any of what I said above I have been there done that not easy went for all the test etc kids were told to video it if had 1 so they could look at it I still got no help

I applied for it, it took a while, they refused it, twice and I kept applying, I had to go for tests, I got sent to a medical centre and a polish doctor looked at me, asked me how I was feeling and that was it, I was classed unfit for work!

The bus pass was the easiest thing to get, I went to the council help info centre, they told me I had to get a letter from the doctor to say I couldn’t drive, that cost me £10 and then I took it too them, had my photo took and then 3 days later, it arrived.

I applied for employment and support allowance and they where brilliant, helped with everything.

It may depend on where you live though.

Like you have applied appealed been for medicals appealed but still nowt applied for bus pass got a letter from Dr cost £10 was refused so not always that easy ( but I never get nowt just have that luck have to fight & still nowt )

ESA not bad when I have to phone & speak with them

I was on ESA in Feb 2010, but after 6 months of staying off the road as advised I went back to work. At this point DVLA hadn’t asked for my licence. After they took it in November, I re- applied for ESA to be told I couldn’t have it as I had been given it already (and had my allowance) as I saw it.

I can’t get JSA as my other half works more than 24 hours a week. Bugger what she earns, its all about how long she works for. It’s disgusting.

So, as I have now no way back into my usual work and have no skills whatsoever in anything else, I’m a bit stuffed at the minute. The silver lining is as my blackouts were in Jan 2010, I can apply for my car licence back. Could have since the end of January, but can’t afford to put my car back on the road anyway so I’ll do it when I feel like it now, lol.

So if other half works can you not claim Working tax credit ( ok may not be a lot but may help a little )

I now have my licence back just cant afford a car as can only claim ESA

Yes we get WTC and also a small rebate on the rent / council tax. It’s just so bloody annoying that they don’t means test like they used to. Luckily the IVA we have in only a couple of months away from completion. Thats £300 a month in our pockets.

I know I am not the only one looking into legal advice concerned with the neurologist from last year, so fingers crossed, when it’s al done and over I may have some lost earnings in the bank too. Not holding my breath on that, but it’s worth a try. After all, I’ve lost around 10 months earning potential, and at the time of diagnosis, I was on a permanent agency position earning around £300 - £350 a week.

Like I say, fingers crossed - KEEERRRRRCHINGG, :laughing: