Loose Horses

Is anyone else noticing loose horses hanging around grass verges and roundabouts in the area?

The news article is local to where I live, and shows some tethered horses.

I’m now coming across several horses just wanding around at night UNtethered though, places like the roundabout depicted here…

Why on Earth would anyone just abandon their horses, that surely are worth a few bob?

Is anyone else noticing loose horses hanging around grass verges and roundabouts in the area?
Travellers leave horses and piles of rubbish outside Cookham Wood young offenders institution in Rochester
The news article is local to where I live, and shows some tethered horses.

I’m now coming across several horses just wanding around at night UNtethered though, places like the roundabout depicted here…

Why on Earth would anyone just abandon their horses, that surely are worth a few bob?

Unfortunately,they’re not,you can buy a horse for a tenner these days,that’s why so many get dumped :cry:

worldhorsewelfare.org/Emergi … Ah2z8P8HAQ

I donate to this,and several other equine charities,if you’ve got a bit of cash spare after Xmas,why not send them a few quid :wink:

travellers horses,they allways do it.

I donate to this,and several other equine charities,if you’ve got a bit of cash spare after Xmas,why not send them a few quid :wink:

For those who prefer dogs, don’t donate and keep the price of pedigree chum down. :wink:
What I call “real gypsies” around the Cotswolds do a good job keeping the verges short as they move the hòrses once the grass is down. These gypsies leave the place tidy and bother nobody, unlike the other sort.

They’re an accident waiting to occur…

A collision needs to happen.

Perfect opportunity for someone to ‘show them who’s boss’.

Yeh, but it’s the frey bentos door openers that need that - not the innocent horses. :wink:

■■■■■ horses, I’ve seen it quite a bit in the northeast (peterlee area) and a few other places.

[zb] is a [zb] word? Ffs :unamused:

[zb] horses, I’ve seen it quite a bit in the northeast (peterlee area) and a few other places.

Agree with you there.You see it everywhere up here but Bishop Auckland seems to be the worst area for it.Must just be a coincidence that Bishop has a high population of palm reading,mattress selling,caravan folk.


I donate to this,and several other equine charities,if you’ve got a bit of cash spare after Xmas,why not send them a few quid :wink:

For those who prefer dogs, don’t donate and keep the price of pedigree chum down. :wink:
What I call “real gypsies” around the Cotswolds do a good job keeping the verges short as they move the hòrses once the grass is down. These gypsies leave the place tidy and bother nobody, unlike the other sort.

Do you mean dogs, or ‘dags’? :laughing:

What amazed me was that these horses could just be rustled by anyone with a horse box, as they just wander around in a docile manner on that roundabout I pictured above. I had no idea you could buy a horse for a tenner these days?
I’ve heard the same said of “Firearms” mind you…

I wondered at one point if the brudders were putting them out to graze, and then expect to come back in the morning to saddle up, and run into town to collect the benefits they shouldn’t be entitled to…
Still… This thread is supposed to be about “Horse-u-like” rather than “Owner-u-don’t-like”. :stuck_out_tongue:

The horses that you usually see tethered at the side of the roads and on any random piece of land which is unsuitable for there happiness and wellbeing are of the cob variety.

If you park at The Worlds End in Tilbury its a regular occurrence to find the ■■■■■■ pony wandering about at stooped o’clock

If you park at The Worlds End in Tilbury its a regular occurrence to find the [zb] pony wandering about at stooped o’clock

Is that, like, a name of the walk you take between two pubs there?

Pub Crawl for Friday:
Start at the Startled Saint,
Onto “The Seaman” in Staines,
then the “Frog and Radiator”
onto the “■■■■■ Pony”,
along the towpath to the Stooped O’Clock
and finish at the “Spyglass and Kettle”.

Last one to the finish - buys all the drinks.
Stupid ■■■■■ hang about at the Stooped O’Clock then.

At least daft names for pubs can be remembered easier than “which one?” when you get told about Diss Red Lion Or Dat White Hart come to that! :stuck_out_tongue:


I donate to this,and several other equine charities,if you’ve got a bit of cash spare after Xmas,why not send them a few quid :wink:

For those who prefer dogs, don’t donate and keep the price of pedigree chum down. :wink:
What I call “real gypsies” around the Cotswolds do a good job keeping the verges short as they move the hòrses once the grass is down. These gypsies leave the place tidy and bother nobody, unlike the other sort.

That’s the difference between Gypsies and ■■■■■■.

It’s absurd that the “Travellers” have been branded the same as “Proper Gypsies”. In my mind, a proper Gypsy has a genuine cultural heritage.

What cultural heritage have the brudders got that want to be “part of society” when it comes to “Free NHS treatment” or “Benefits” - but don’t pay for anything that actually benefits the community they live off of?

Who were the Liberals that bolted two completely separate groups of people together so that now we cannot call one lot what they are (Professional Vagrants, since the more well-known term is ‘banned’) and the actual real ones that still use the old-fashioned caravans, have mystics living among them, and clean up before they move on as posted above…

Driving around the roundabout pictured in the OP last night - and this time there were no horses on that “2nd” roundabout, but there was one rather large “shire” looking horse on the last roundabout before Flex Meadow estate… (The one outside GSK gates)

This horse looked nothing like the others, but it was as untethered as the rest, just munching away on the grass in the middle of the roundabout…
I’d take some pictures, but it’s a bit awkward attempting to “full-stop” on a roundabout, even when the road is quieter at night…

A414 into Harlow last night just past the service station pair off the J7 M11 roundabout… Get flashed up by a low-loader coming the other way… There’s a bloody minature pony in the middle of the road 200 yards in front of me. WTF? :open_mouth:

Findus have nowhere left to keep their stock!

Mmmm findus horse burgers :unamused:

A414 into Harlow last night just past the service station pair off the J7 M11 roundabout… Get flashed up by a low-loader coming the other way… There’s a bloody minature pony in the middle of the road 200 yards in front of me. WTF? :open_mouth:

are you sure it wasnt a normal pony 400 yards away?? :confused: :confused:

Never mind the “loose horses” where`s the thread about the “loose women” wandering around?
Edit, not really sure I want an answer to that, by the way.