Looking up

2015 has started well on the leg front after a dismal December and office party time,so far I’ve seen one flash of stocking top and another was showing a bit more sorry there’s no pics but it is only Wednesday

Logically theres nowt to get flustered about by seeing a bit of leg in a car when one considers what you see on holiday or even down the town these days, but...Im as guilty as anyone for enjoying the sights the job has to offer. I suppose thats what it is,… were at work but looking at ladys legs. Thats it.

Logically theres nowt to get flustered about by seeing a bit of leg in a car when one considers what you see on holiday or even down the town these days, but...Im as guilty as anyone for enjoying the sights the job has to offer. I suppose thats what it is,… were at work but looking at ladys legs. Thats it.

Pssst, he never mentioned ladies :open_mouth:

This thread is no good without pics.

Forgotten what the last decent one was in it’s been that bloody long ago, was it an Anglia or Hillman Minx…hmm…and yes last year started off quite well in the spring, and the season ended by September.

Am i jealous some bugger else is clocking my share, as usual, yes… :smiling_imp:

Seen on the back of a truck many years ago

C’mon girls
Don’t be shy
Show the driver
A bit if thigh

It still makes me look in case they do,

After an incident that I witnessed,The police asked me to describe a woman,I said short skirt and nice legs .Police said what about her face did you see her face?I said her face was horrible so I just looked at her legs.They wanted to know about eyes,hair etc.



I’ve seen her too!!!

I went out with her sister,or was it her mother.?Still got the friction burns.