When i was training to be a mechanic, we had our ownboy
to train, and now and again they would be sent up to the stores for along weight
Garage I was an apprentice tried that one on me to. It didn’t work. Then they sent me out for a tin of tartan paint. I asked if I could use the pickup, was told yes and buggered off home for the afternoon. Oh this was in the days before mobile phones.
Went back to the garage about 10 to 5. The boss was going mental cause a bus had broken down and cause I was away with the pickup they had to send out the old towing wagon also known as The Last Resort. Shrugged my shoulders told what I been sent out for and I’d tried all the paint places around Ayr and Kilmarnock I knew and couldn’t get any. Boss blew a gasket at the other blokes as I was clocking out and going home.