Longer hours again [Several Topics Merged]

I’m totally against extending the hours, it’s not my problem anymore, but I can tell that there is a serious problem brewing. I get a fair few emails each week offering me work. A typical one I got this morning from qs recruitment in Leicester is offering me £20 an hr with a £150 bonus if I turn up 5 days a week.

When I go to my local supermarkets, I see empty shelves that are getting worse each week. This has been coming for a long time, they are reaping what they’ve sown.

I’m totally against extending the hours, it’s not my problem anymore, but I can tell that there is a serious problem brewing. I get a fair few emails each week offering me work. A typical one I got this morning from qs recruitment in Leicester is offering me £20 an hr with a £150 bonus if I turn up 5 days a week.

When I go to my local supermarkets, I see empty shelves that are getting worse each week. This has been coming for a long time, they are reaping what they’ve sown.

If it’s not hurting, it’s not working.

Well i got a call from an agency to offer me £1 more than my current (full timer) rate if I go to work for them at another place which includes heavy banged up cages tail lift stores on slopes, blindsiding in the dead of night etc. I said naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I’m fine as I am and he said well you just gonna turn down an extra £4-5 000 a year mate?. I did a quick math apparently he assumes that I work 80-100 hours a week for ■■■■ a difference thing is I only do 45-47 hours now haof of them spent sleeping/playin on phone. Anyway…hats off to those of you making the BIG BUCKS lololol

Are we not all forgetting that there is NO supreme mark up in hourly rate/salary asssociated with doing all these extra hours expected of one…

The latest missive from our office…….

It fell over. If you click on the image it appears the right way up, just to save your necks :smiley:

If, and it seems a big IF, IF a driver does do one or two of the 11hr shifts, what have they done to compensate by doing 2 x 8hrs in the week? would that mean overtime for the 11hrs and a loss for the 8hrs? The overall weekly 56hrs has not changed.