As per title, looking for some info on what they are like to work for, managed to get a job interview on fri
I currently tramp via an agency but the daily rate i am on is crap, been hunting for a permenant job for ages and this is all that has cropped up and works out more money as its an hourly rate, plus home every second night
I havent worked for them personally but they are always looking for drivers which isnt a good sign.
That being said a guy on here worked for them and he said they were ok and the work was easy enough. He also said the take home was pretty decent.
If I were looking for full time rather than agency id probably apply for them
Absolute joke of a company!!! Hourly rate is good but thats bout it
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I’m going to go to the interview and give it a shot, see what they say etc, just thinking that a permenant job is going to be financially better and stable for me, especially after christmas when agencies tend to fall on their arse untill end feb/start of march, no harm in attending the interview and having a think about the job, its an overnight position (which i prefer)
Been in Bellshill once and it took me all my time not to lay the fat baldy wee rat in transport out. Cheeky, ignorant arse who thinks drivers of other companies will take his nonsense like his own drivers do.
Also see them in Tesco in Livingston and they are always the drivers who are catching some shut eye.
They will promise you the world and give you it the first week then they will screw you over there on out!!! Give it a go on Friday and see what they say…oh and make sure you park your car outside the yard on the street, car parking is for yearsley and aryzta staff only on site [emoji108][emoji108]
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Aye its the bellshill site im applying for as its only two min down the road from my house and handy
I’m sure i did a night run for them years ago down to Ar’la dairies in leeds, was timed delivery but was an easy shift, (im sure it was longlane)
Give them the benefit of the doubt and see what they offer on fri, if it turns out crap im staying with the agency untill something half decent crops up
As said previously, they do seem to advertise a fair bit for drivers, will see if they are a cowboy outfit on fri, if so they will get told to ram it.
You can only give them a go mate. If you bump into fat controller you will want to smack him instantly. When the yard is busy it’s also fun for a reverse with idiots parking and abandoning wee vans everywhere where you want to turn. Ive only been in once but not heard much good about them off others either.
XPO are recruiting at eurocentral for day and night drivers if you find yourself still looking.
As are Stobart if you’re desperate to get off agency you’ll get a start with them.
I would go through either of those two before Long Lane. EPS in Larkhall are also recruiting according to their signage or try Russells in Coatbridge.
We go to long lane Bellshill regularly, have found the goods in boys helpful, will always tip us within 15mins of arrival, the manger I’ve. Spoken too on various occasions is helpful, some of the drivers would give mensa a struggle, others are fine,
As for reversing on to bays just keep ya whits about ya, because they come at you from all sides,when its busy.
If you need to clean a steering wheel or grab rail, just wipe it down with an antibac wipe.
My mate worked there. For a short time. He is less than complimentary about them. You’ll have hours issues and other worries there.
Lasted 4 days with them hated it was working 18 hours double manned for the training week shifts are 4 on 4 off when I did it
Going to give the interview a blast, said it is strictly overnighters that i do and want, ■■■■■■■ the phone said they do overnight runs, if it sounds ■■■■■ i’m giving it a miss… so much for the fabled myth of a shortage of HGV drivers,… its mostly agencies or cowboy companies (mostly agency) that advertise on the job sites up my way in north lanarkshire, aint planning on doing agency work all my days!!!
So you ask for advice and then ignore it? I’ll be watching for you in future…
No harm in going to an interview to suss the place out and see what the offer is like… heard a few horror stories of the place i am currently in from other drivers… most of which aint true or never happened!!!
All i will say is your a brave man wanting to give there ago. The wages are high for a reason they cant keep drivers.
Tricky 21 Jan:
Absolute joke of a company!!! Hourly rate is good but thats bout itSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That is all I would be bothered about. The hourly rate. Whatever is said by traffic what they want doing is that it gets done if it can be done. If it means putting on break whilst tipping or anything on those lines, it won’t be done by me. Let them pester the mug who is the yes man.