hi fergie did you see my pm, this incident was at marchwood army port, the forklift had the heavy box up in the air, came forward braked and tipped over onto the trailer, i was their doing checks on a generator for woodlands generators at the time.
In the military report on the incident it said the fork lift driver was blinded by a large flash from a generator, when the chap working on it touched two wires together by mistake !
In the military report on the incident it said the fork lift driver was blinded by a large flash from a generator, when the chap working on it touched two wires together by mistake !
And, at the same time he caught a glimpse of another lorry driver getting out his cab wearing very short shorts, sandals and black socks… he got a stiffy… which knocked into the control lever, and lowered the container too quickly…least, that’s what I heard Richard…they never did trace the mysterious other driver…
hi fergie did you see my pm, this incident was at marchwood army port, the forklift had the heavy box up in the air, came forward braked and tipped over onto the trailer, i was their doing checks on a generator for woodlands generators at the time.
In the military report on the incident it said the fork lift driver was blinded by a large flash from a generator, when the chap working on it touched two wires together by mistake !
Hi MaggieD love it!!! You kill me will pop over Rich with your Magazini when your about.
Anyone remember this incident…Skillbeech in trouble…where, when, and exactly what happened…
Looks expensive…
hi all hi fergie just wondering where you got this photo because thats my truck and thats the photo i took and yes i s**t my self because i was stood next to the trailer when it went over i ended up face down next to the quay after doing 100m sprint
regards gazzap
hi all hi fergie just wondering where you got this photo because thats my truck and thats the photo i took and yes i s**t my self because i was stood next to the trailer when it went over i ended up face down next to the quay after doing 100m sprint
regards gazzap
Whoops, sorry Gazzap…didn’t mean to pinch your picture, just thought it would be interesting for the Southampton lads…have you posted it before ?..I got it off “Shipping Containers” as I’ve sent them a few, in the past, and look in from time to time…no offence…
I can guess that you would indeed need a change of underwear…no shame in doing a runner from that mess…was the wagon OK ? and I guess the trailer a write off ?
hi fergie did you see my pm, this incident was at marchwood army port, the forklift had the heavy box up in the air, came forward braked and tipped over onto the trailer, i was their doing checks on a generator for woodlands generators at the time.
In the military report on the incident it said the fork lift driver was blinded by a large flash from a generator, when the chap working on it touched two wires together by mistake !
Perhaps we ought to leave Mappo alone and start on FT may be a more deserving victim. ! ! !
i give a sraight forward answer to fergie about the accident, then you lot start, i’m pleased to say that theirs no photo’s of me in shorts, socks and sandles not unless you photo shop me of course, which you will, aye pat.
i give a sraight forward answer to fergie about the accident, then you lot start, i’m pleased to say that theirs no photo’s of me in shorts, socks and sandles not unless you photo shop me of course, which you will, aye pat.