London freight tunnel, can it be done?

Going underground from East to West, and vice versa and North to South and vice versa for freight only.
In theory if you loaded Gatwick, through the tunnel to join the MI or AI.
Or if on the M4, M3 , use the pipe to join the A12 and 13, I would pay for the pipe, would you, they built the Chunnel, so it is feasible.
It would keep Boris bicyclists brigade happy as they won’t see any lorries.

Have a look at how much it is costing to built the Crossrail tunnels and then work out what the toll would have to be for someone to make a profit on it somewhere along the line… :smiley:

:unamused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :unamused: they cant dig a hole without F&%$ing it up so no :wink:

tunneling under London i d say 100 million pound a mile and its 17 mile from tower bridge to the M1.
after whats hapend with the Birmingham relief motorway i can t see anyone taking the job on…
its a dream we ll never see in my life time

Don’t forget, they would need lorries to clear the soil

Who the ■■■■ transits London unless they are delivering inside it?

If you want to go from East to west or North to South, you use the M25, that’s what it was built for!

just bung a few entrance/exit holes into the subway and crack on?? :unamused:

Who the [zb] transits London unless they are delivering inside it?

If you want to go from East to west or North to South, you use the M25, that’s what it was built for!

No, the M25 was built to keep London contained. The North Circular is to get from East to west.

nodding donkey:

Who the [zb] transits London unless they are delivering inside it?

If you want to go from East to west or North to South, you use the M25, that’s what it was built for!

No, the M25 was built to keep London contained. The North Circular is to get from East to west.

Surely no one in their right mind uses the North circular to go east to west unless they have to. The M25 is to get people round London. Which it does, after a fashion. Would be a very elaborate way to keep a city contained!

Personally I’d sooner be above ground. Not claustrophobic, but there’s been some horrible fires in tunnels.

Mount Blanc fire was a bad one. A lorry carrying flour, not sure ?

If they can’t build an Estuary airport where it’s wanted by more people than not - then how can they consider upsetting a lot more people where the excavation sites are, in urban london at that?

Public works tend to get built in areas where the local MP has a safe seat, and is not part of the current government.

A Gatwick extension is more likely to take place therefore under a Labour government, (too hot to handle for the local Tories) whilst the Heathrow expansion plans - are more likely to press ahead now - since the incumbent Tories will only be ■■■■■■■ off the local labour wards by pressing the button on this…

Grain? - We need the jobs. The residential disruption won’t be any more than when BP was in full swing there, and the Dockyard was still operating to full capacity.
The only ones who are against it are those afraid their house price might be blighted… Vastly outnumbered by workers like myself who’d really like a local job for a change, instead of having to commute to surrounding areas where house prices are double - thus disproving the notion that “creating jobs lowers house prices”.

FFS - Having an airport on your doorstep is likely to double the value of all properties in the area!

Nice idea, a freight tunnel - but not enough local people benefit, so I can’t even see it getting the lukewarm and NIMBY-trumped response that the Estuary projects got. :frowning:

all we need is an upper m25 on stilts above the original with only 5 entry/exits, North, South, West, and one north of thames one south of the thames at the eastern side. then those who wish to transit the city can without mixing with the junction hoppers, far better than keep adding lanes or going underground.