Loler Inspections & Servicing


Has anyone had recent experience of Loler inspections and servicing? Just wondered what the price paid was for a full inspection; and for a service…

Is there a set period of serving that people stick to?

Cheers. :slight_smile: :smiley:

Do you mean 12 monthly inspection for a crane in order to get a certificate of thorough examination ? Anything from £140 to £200 ish ,with regard to lifting slings at 6 months it’s quite often cheaper to throw them and buy new especially if they’ve had a bit use ,sometimes they look good but the eye stitching rots a little .

Punchy Dan:
Do you mean 12 monthly inspection for a crane in order to get a certificate of thorough examination ? Anything from £140 to £200 ish ,with regard to lifting slings at 6 months it’s quite often cheaper to throw them and buy new especially if they’ve had a bit use ,sometimes they look good but the eye stitching rots a little .

Hello mate - I’m basically after some guidance on what maintenance plans operators are required to follow.

I read somewhere that cranes need full inspections on installation; and then after 4 yrs and 8 yrs. But I figured there must be some form of an annual test? Is this the load test?

And yes, re slings I saw the 6th monthly inspections.


Servicing is nothing special,some operators carry out and do fill in pre use inspection forms every time before use ,it’s every 12 months for being tested at (10. % overload I think ) by an impartial external person ,you will get a cert with load chart diagram on .

What are you getting Loler’ed,
The last place I worked they had taillifts and Forklifts done every year. But I’ve been told if you have a personal cage for the forklift it should be a 6 monthly inspection. We also had the tailifts serviced/inspected at 6 monthly intervals, but they didn’t do the load test every year.

Sorry didn’t read the cranes bit. :laughing:

What are you getting Loler’ed,
The last place I worked they had taillifts and Forklifts done every year. But I’ve been told if you have a personal cage for the forklift it should be a 6 monthly inspection. We also had the tailifts serviced/inspected at 6 monthly intervals, but they didn’t do the load test every year.

Sorry didn’t read the cranes bit. :laughing:

Cranes… :sunglasses: :laughing:

Are Loler tests a legal requirement, I understand they are? The grab tipper we bought came with a new Loler and MOT, but I’ve heard of at least one operator who hasn’t renewed his Loler ticket for over two years.

Are Loler tests a legal requirement, I understand they are? The grab tipper we bought came with a new Loler and MOT, but I’ve heard of at least one operator who hasn’t renewed his Loler ticket for over two years.

I found this useful (see page 3):

But it’s a bit vague insofar as it states regular inspections for ‘equipment exposed to conditions causing deterioration likely to result in dangerous situations’.

Quite subjective that.

I drive a DAF XF510 with a 68 tonne metre crane and our inspections are once every 12 months for the crane, and every six months for chains, they are inspected and load tested. as for slings, if there are any tears, or stitching issues, bin them and replace with new, they are not that expensive.


I paid £198 inc Vat for a First Use Inspection on a crane on a secondhand truck and was advised to get it retested in 12 months.

As far as slings go, here is a shining example of best practice.

They are like a tenner each. Unbelievable what some people will continue using. :open_mouth:

After instillation testing a 10% overload test is required annually, when the crane reaches 4 years old a 25% overload test is required. The next 3 years are back to 10% overload test until 8 years old where again it requires a 25% overload test.
Once the crane is over 8 years old the overload test is required every 6 months. At this age the place we use recommend doing the 25% overload test every second test.
As already said your accessories should be inspected every 6 months.
On one site I was on recently I was told they do not allow webbing straps over six months old to be used at all.

alfa man:
After instillation testing a 10% overload test is required annually, when the crane reaches 4 years old a 25% overload test is required. The next 3 years are back to 10% overload test until 8 years old where again it requires a 25% overload test.
Once the crane is over 8 years old the overload test is required every 6 months. At this age the place we use recommend doing the 25% overload test every second test.
As already said your accessories should be inspected every 6 months.
On one site I was on recently I was told they do not allow webbing straps over six months old to be used at all.

That explains why 10 year old grab tippers are pretty cheap then.