Lokeren last week

didn’t know how to name this post so forgive me but couple of questions. was in lokeren truckstop last week when these nuggets popped into my empty head

  1. where has eddie stobarts depot gone? used to be across the road?

2.how long have eddie stobarts had polish reg trucks? saw a volvo near lokeren with orange light bar on roof but didn’t get name off front :open_mouth:

3.whats the speed limit in holland? every time couldn’t overtake the cloggy in front would slow down to 75 or 80 max?

  1. and finally whats the difference between a globetrotter and an XL70?

simple really :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

3 = 80kph, pretty well enforced as well so be careful out their.
other q’s cant help

thanks jimti that explains a lot then

1: They also had a place on the E17 on the right hand side as you were going north towards Antwerp, that went a few yrs ago as well…
2: I reckon you have seen the same Polish Stobarts trucks that ive seen a few times, low ride 4x2 units, these are old (maybe the first left ■■■■■■ Belgian reg’d units Stobart bought) that have been sold on, just that the writing hasnt been taken off.I used to see one quite regular at Norfolk Line Dunkerque parked up for the weekend when i shipped in there a lot, and that had a orange light bar on the roof. Going round Gent ring rd i have seen ex Stobart trucks for sale at a Volvo dealer, and they pop up on internet here and there at various dealers over Europe.

3: 80km/h although i never had a problem running on the limiter in all my time driving there, (including 6 months doing 2 trips a week all over Holland from G.B) and never heard of anyone i knew getting done for going faster.

4: An XL70 FH was a limited edition version 1 XL, it had a yellow-ish colour interior (designed by Laura Ashley or someone similar, i cant remember off the top of my head exactly who)and curtains, a few different bits and bobs inside that said XL70, they were a dark metallic green, with XL70 written up the side. I believe it was a 70 year Volvo anniversary limited edition. Im sure someone on herer has got a photo…

cheers kindle, hope your honeymoon was good now back to the grindstone

Thanks mate, it was spot on, ive just got to find a stone to grind!! Ideally with a left ■■■■■■…

Oh … sigh … I’d lurve an XL70. All left hookers to! :sunglasses: :laughing:

The yards still there it’s just full of poxy green food trays that were storing.
As kindle said we ain’t got any poles on there just old motors that haven’t had the lettering taken off properly.

i saw all the green food trays which is why i didn’t take a pic
as for the poles maybe they think they won’t get pulled so much cos they look like stobarts

Wasnt Stobarts yard at Saint Nikolas (spelling) ?

Yes it was originally. The building is now used by “gilbert de clerc” transport.

Wasnt Stobarts yard at Saint Nikolas (spelling) ?

Yes it was originally. The building is now used by “gilbert de clerc” transport.

The one where we used to deliver Kellogs to, with Murfitts ■■
De Clercs have had it a l o n g time if it is.

the Kelloggs one was behind Stobarts, which was next to the service road running parallel with the main road.

the Kelloggs one was behind Stobarts, which was next to the service road running parallel with the main road.

Ahhhhh. Ta.