Logbook advice

Am i right in thinking if i dont travel 50km away from base i can use a log book even though there is a tacho fitted?

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Am i right in thinking if i dont travel 50km away from base i can use a log book even though there is a tacho fitted?

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There could be an exemption depending on what sort of vehicle you drive and/or what sort of goods you carry, but as a general rule there is no exemption from EU regulations for vehicles staying within 50km of base.

Its a skip lorry tachograph so metal & waste

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I’m not aware of any exemption from EU regulations for skips, you can check pages 13 to 16 here

Unfortunately for you, on the information given, the use of your vehicle is not exempt EU drivers hours rules and therefore you will have to use the Tacho.

The usual exemption quoted on 50km goes like this;

Maximum Authorised Mass doesn’t exceed 7.5 tonnes.
Remains within 50 km radius of base.
Carries goods or material for use by the driver.
Driving is not the main activity of the driver.

You have to get all four bits to claim the exemption. Generally skip lorries will not fall under the above exemption. Likewise they cannot claim the exemption claimed by domestic refuse collectors. Best buy a box of Tacho charts or a driver card depending upon which Tacho is fitted to your lorry