
Why have you locked, Directions to this place please, why did you not ban the offending poster who started to have a go at someone who was asking directions, a bit out of order to have a go at both of them.

I think that Harry was well justified in having a go. This welshlad had been asking for directions to Sainsburys, Charlton which Harry had answered even including a map. There were then a load more question - ‘what about the?’ ‘some other bloke says I should leave the M25 at J…’ all of which were answered and then… absolutely nothing. No thanks whatever. Of course now the good old ‘trouble with my computer’ story is being produced (which is at least as convincing as the ‘I never got your e mail mate’ story)

If you put that into a ‘real life’ context where some bloke had given you the 20 questions in a cafe which you had answered, drawn maps etc., and then he just got up and walked away you would feel justified in givin it some ‘Oi!’ wouldn’t you?

I also think that there is a point in saying that finding the places we have to tip or load is part of what we get paid for. Many people on this board, including me, have tipped at Sainsburys, Charlton and we all got in there somehow without a 20 post thread. Also these people are not going to experience, as we all have, that 'Oh No! feeling when you are completely lost the wrong way up a one way street :laughing:

There may also be a point in saying ‘if you can’t read an A to Z then go work in a shop and leave the job for someone who can’ - even if that someone is Polish :wink:


Why have you locked, Directions to this place please, why did you not ban the offending poster who started to have a go at someone who was asking directions, a bit out of order to have a go at both of them.

Its not like Harry to blow up for nowt. he once gave me full directions to bloody Romania with tour commentary :laughing: :laughing:

I remember the instructions that H gave him warts an all …just about did the job for him… I guess he has learnt something else as well as the directions he asked for if not he must have thick skin …or head :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Krankee made the - to my mind - very sensible decision to temporarily lock the thread in order that the people involved could calm down and take it to PM. Now that some cooling-off time has passed, I’ve ruthlessly removed the attacks and reinstated it. If it goes back down the same track, however, it will be permanently removed.

Threads like that which go straight into arguement mode are unlikely to last long if they’re just left to keep on exploding. The tactic Krankee used is one I myself have used in the past in order to avoid pulling posts completely. It’s usually pretty effective and has saved many otherwise useful threads from winding up in the Shed.

Krankee made the - to my mind - very sensible decision to temporarily lock the thread in order that the people involved could calm down and take it to PM. Now that some cooling-off time has passed, I’ve ruthlessly removed the attacks and reinstated it. If it goes back down the same track, however, it will be permanently removed.

Threads like that which go straight into arguement mode are unlikely to last long if they’re just left to keep on exploding. The tactic Krankee used is one I myself have used in the past in order to avoid pulling posts completely. It’s usually pretty effective and has saved many otherwise useful threads from winding up in the Shed.

Has your phone “been ringing off the hook again” Lucy? :laughing:

My point is. A common courtesy. " Fanks Mate." Will do. Otherwise its mxing with ■■■■■ people which not many truckies are good at.( Especially me! )