Locked out for last week

Anyone else had this?

Everytime I’ve tried to get on here for the last week, it won’t let me. Comes up like I’ve lost my internet connection (which I haven’t). Not having this problem with any other website, only Trucknet.

Tonight, its re-routed me via roadtransport.com and let me in (obviously).

Anyone else had this?

Everytime I’ve tried to get on here for the last week, it won’t let me. Comes up like I’ve lost my internet connection (which I haven’t). Not having this problem with any other website, only Trucknet.

Tonight, its re-routed me via roadtransport.com and let me in (obviously).

I’ve had the same. :frowning:

me too. glad its working today though :grimacing:

So have i. :frowning: :frowning:

Gutted, I thought I was special. :laughing:
