Load security.

Obviously an agency Captain!

addictedtoauto.co.uk/latest-vide … o-the-sea/

Feel a bit queasy after watching that!

Didn’t use chains I would say just small webbing straps looking at it .

handbrakes not applied either :unamused:

could have been the Birkenhead boat on a sunday night,…sounded like the crew there as well…no handbrkes though?,lessons will be learned ther im sure…fair play to the rajpots skidding about on deck with the camera though, :smiley:

The deck looks pure ice handbrake wouldn’t have done anything anyway

The deck looks pure ice handbrake wouldn’t have done anything anyway

there looks to be a motor or 2 that have breaks on taffy and they don’t look to have moved :question:


The deck looks pure ice handbrake wouldn’t have done anything anyway

there looks to be a motor or 2 that have breaks on taffy and they don’t look to have moved :question:

And you know this Nick because you put the handbrakes on I take it. Maybe the strapping hasn’t broke on them. It’s anyone’s guess



The deck looks pure ice handbrake wouldn’t have done anything anyway

there looks to be a motor or 2 that have breaks on taffy and they don’t look to have moved :question:

. Maybe the strapping hasn’t broke on them. It’s anyone’s guess

this is true :sunglasses:

The handbrakes are on if you watch the rears are locked but the front ones are turning the fact that it is one big icerink will rule out handbrakes. I don’t know how much them poor buggers that are crewing get but they should get their money doubled for going with that boat did you notice the height o some o them waves BRAVE LADS. Eddie.

A Lot of the jap vats when I was on the transporters where automatic so that means the park break would be on