Living in a box?

Buy yourself a flannel when using your shower gel,it makes it last longer even more so if you dilute said shower gel with water after you have used it a few times.

Cook raw meat and stuff like pasta at home, saves time and gas when in a truck :wink:
If its raining stick your curtains out of the window, it makes them all soft and flexible again :wink:

I always carry a set of jump leads which has saved a couple of embarresing calls to the boss before now :blush:

Not so much a tip but a request,
If overnights and your a fridge user try park beside other fridges (I know not easy to do)
And another thing take your mess away or in to a bin , some drivers are giving the majority a bad name by dumping rubbish out there cabs and driving off, there’s to few overnight parking spaces as it is with out more getting closed down because the council / neighbours get it closed due to mess!

Half the time though it’s non fridge drivers that cause problems for themselves. The amount of times I’ve pulled into large parking areas only to find a curtainsider in each corner on it’s own. If the the non fridge people parked together it would help us considerate types greatly!


Not so much a tip but a request,
If overnights and your a fridge user try park beside other fridges (I know not easy to do)
And another thing take your mess away or in to a bin , some drivers are giving the majority a bad name by dumping rubbish out there cabs and driving off, there’s to few overnight parking spaces as it is with out more getting closed down because the council / neighbours get it closed due to mess!

Half the time though it’s non fridge drivers that cause problems for themselves. The amount of times I’ve pulled into large parking areas only to find a curtainsider in each corner on it’s own. If the the non fridge people parked together it would help us considerate types greatly!

Always turn mine off when stopping for a 45 min break. Funny how the general haulage boys dont mind keeping us all awake when we are trying to sleep through the day as well!

Maybe think about taking 1 of these if the bathrooms in trucks thread is anything to go by?

My truck…

Scania Highline better if it was a topline for my 6 days away.

Kit - Laptop, Mobile Broadband, 350w invertor at the minute till this 1500w get in for a microwave, WET WIPES, towel, wash gear, 10ltrs of water, kettle, 45ltr fridge, oven, gas cooker, washing up bowl and cleaning gear for the clean up, carpets all round to make it comfy for my feet. TOP BUNK houses all this gear as there is no where else to put it. Cling film to make sarnies for next day that stuff has another use to for emergencies lol

Kit that should be standard and law for all drivers doing more than 1 consecutive night.

Microwave, fridge, cupboards IE NO FRIGGIN LO CABS might be cheap for the boss to have low cabs but a bloody nightmare when you have to carry gear to last you a week. Some boss’s care enough to buy larger cabs and allot dont care either way.

I did have something poignant to say, but I got hypnotized by Fallmonks avatar :confused:

Non stick cooking saucepans, cost a few quid from tesco and the like and after cookin can be wiped clean with tissue to save washing up!

if yer cooking /heating water with a gas powered stove make sure you have a spare canister , & two tin poeners , as you’ll only ever find one anyway


Top Tips :-

  1. Don’t forget, small gap in front curtains at night

Point 5 is a must! I was parked up last week when I heard a car door at about 11pm, a quick look through the gap in the curtain to make sure I’m not being robbed and I got a pleasant surprise to find a middle aged woman having a pee in the gap between my waggon and her car :laughing: :blush:

At least a woman ■■■■■■■ on the truck park doesn’t make it stink.