Living in a box?

A wide neck bottle to fill with truckers tizer, empty it on grass so the concrete/tarmac parking areas dont stink even more of p**s than they already do!

most of whats been said above plus…

if youve got the luxury of several lockers in the cab treat each one as a seperate room…

i.e. keep clothes in one…dressing room
dvd player/books/laptop…entertainment room
food/cooking eqpt/dishes/cutlery…kitchen

etc etc

with regard to cutlery keep it all in a tupperware box nothing worse than getting back to cab with a chinese and only being able to find a knife to eat it with.

make sure you always have two multisockets one with a hella plug and one with a standard size cigarette plug if your changing vehicles you will always be covered for a 12v supply for phone chargers tv charges if you spend all week away batteries dont last all that long. Always have a emergency bulb kit and a multi tool.

Good point, remember which vehicle has the correct voltage. I blew my expensive tv/ dvd player up recently.



Imodium is a must, just in case you eat something that doesn’t agree with you.

Couldnt agree with this one more after the past couple of days I’ve had!

Does that explain your username then ■■ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Swindon truckstop ?

Dan Glebitz:
Dan Glebitz here again. I’m writing another piece for Truck & Driver Magazine that gives top tips to new drivers. This month it’s all about cab living, nights away and the little secrets that the old hands use to make life away from home just that bit easier. So, what’s your top tip? And don’t say ‘stick to day work’! Any ideas used will naturally be attributed to he, or she, who posts it, and to TruckNet.
Cheers, Dan.

Someone is really paying you to write down what we say? I’m definatley in the wrong job.
Anyway, top tip is park near a JD wetherspoons, nice marble toilets/washrooms, discount food and cheap ale.No dishes to wash. How much better can it get?!!

Anyway, top tip is park near a JD wetherspoons, nice marble toilets/washrooms, discount food and cheap ale.No dishes to wash. How much better can it get?!!

wetherspoons paying you to say that then mike? or is it a free curry on thursdays?.. :smiley:

this might seem a bit obvious but if ur empty when parked up n in a layby leave a back door open so ppl dont get tempted to ■■■■■ your curtains could save u a lot of time and bother

Dan Glebitz:
Dan Glebitz here again. I’m writing another piece for Truck & Driver Magazine that gives top tips to new drivers. This month it’s all about cab living, nights away and the little secrets that the old hands use to make life away from home just that bit easier. So, what’s your top tip? And don’t say ‘stick to day work’! Any ideas used will naturally be attributed to he, or she, who posts it, and to TruckNet.
Cheers, Dan.

That’s a good idea, I wonder who came up with that :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

My advice is…

If you do find a good spot to park, somewhere quiet, with easy access to decent facilities,

A, Be careful who you tell about it, you don’t want to have a bunch of animals there who ruin it.

B, Look after it, don’t leave it looking like a tip when you leave.

Top Tips :-

  1. Always, repeat always carry enough condoms and lube, poppers too if you like them

  2. Wet wipes are absolutely essential

  3. Laptop with mobile internet

  4. Don’t park up overnight too near other trucks

  5. Don’t forget, small gap in front curtains at night

  6. Always keep yourself clean, you never know

  7. Breath freshener is a must

  8. Toothbrush and paste

  9. Bottled water

  10. Last but definitely not least, DOEDORANT…USE AFTER WASHING, NOT TO “MASK” BO



Imodium is a must, just in case you eat something that doesn’t agree with you.

Couldnt agree with this one more after the past couple of days I’ve had!

Does that explain your username then ■■ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It has done this week lol! It comes from my surname which is Marks




Imodium is a must, just in case you eat something that doesn’t agree with you.

Couldnt agree with this one more after the past couple of days I’ve had!

Does that explain your username then ■■ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Swindon truckstop ?

lost me there :question: :question:

Don’t park next to Truckerspal…He seems obsessed with knob talk. :unamused:

As others have said

  1. cooking facilities
  2. bedding (I use a sleeping bag and pillow)
  3. wet / baby wipes LOTS of, they’re brilliant, clean you and your truck
  4. kitchen roll
  5. entertainment, I use a laptop with a tv dongle and mobile internet, kind of an all in 1.
  6. Chargers for everything you use, phones, laptop, sat nav etc.
  7. Emergency map, spare fuses, bulbs and tools to change ('specially the fuses, sat nav horror :open_mouth: )
  8. Toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel, small ish towels (bath towels too big to dry in a truck), carrier and bin bags.
  9. PPE gear, if you’re away all week, you’ll go to lots of different firms, so PPE gear is a must
  10. Too many clothes for the week, otherwise you’ll end up cold, dirty or wet 1 day with no spare clothes ('specially spare socks)

Most of the above.
Certainly always a duvet not a sleeping bag,haven’t personally used a sleeping bag since the early 80’s,if you find it cool in winter take a king size duvet you can wrap up in.
Try not to be tempted to use the night heater once you’re going to sleep,that way it’s A:- quieter, B:- no sore,dry throat & eyes in the morning & C:- no chance of anything catching fire. You’ll be surprised how warm it is under a good duvet,just last december up in Scotland at -19 but didn’t need heater whilst in bed. Just set alarm about 15 mins before you want to get up, flick on the heater & kettle & by the time you get out of bed you’ve a warm cab & hot drink ready. :smiley:
& as Toowise says, organise your cab & keep it neat & tidy like home,then you’ll know where stuff is instinctively.
Always make sure you do any washing up neccesary too, then your kit’s always good to go.
Finally a decent size water carrier (rigid type) with a tap on the bottom. Keep it in the passenger footwell then in winter it’ll be luke warm from the heater during the day & you can stand it on the catwalk or open the front corner of the curtain if you’re pulling a curtainsider & get under it for a good stripwash wherever you find yourself overnight. Personal hygeine is paramount :wink:

Bedding is one of the most important I think. No matter how long you are away a good nights sleep is essential.

A lot of people on here reccomend sleeping bags, why? Would you sleep in a sleeping bag at home? (unless the wifes put you on the sofa of course).

Most of us who are away for 2, 3, 4 weeks or longer generally use sheets and a quilt. Personally I have quilted cotton mattress topper, cotton fitted sheet for a single bed, good quality quilt with cotton quilt cover, feather pillow with cotton slip. The quilt is a 4.0 tog which does most of the year and in winter I put a fleece blanket over the top - I dont really like the night heater on when Im sleeping unless its freezing or below, and then just on tickover to keep the chill off. I usually carry at least one spare set of clean bed linen so I can change the bed at least once every 7 days.

At the end of the day anybody can be uncomfortable, but with a little effort you can be as comortable as you would be at home.

Top Tips :-

  1. Always, repeat always carry enough condoms and lube, poppers too if you like them

  2. Wet wipes are absolutely essential

  3. Laptop with mobile internet

  4. Don’t park up overnight too near other trucks

  5. Don’t forget, small gap in front curtains at night

  6. Always keep yourself clean, you never know

  7. Breath freshener is a must

8 ) Toothbrush and paste

  1. Bottled water

  2. Last but definitely not least, DOEDORANT…USE AFTER WASHING, NOT TO “MASK” BO

Point 5 is a must! I was parked up last week when I heard a car door at about 11pm, a quick look through the gap in the curtain to make sure I’m not being robbed and I got a pleasant surprise to find a middle aged woman having a pee in the gap between my waggon and her car :laughing: :blush:

And everyone blames the lorry drivers…see weve been wrong all along, its the middle aged Daily Mail readers just trying to get us in trouble. !!

I would have just “accidently” leant on the horn :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Wine glasses, don’t forget wine glasses. At least two in case your entertaining guests. That’s my top tip.

Not so much a tip but a request,
If overnights and your a fridge user try park beside other fridges (I know not easy to do)
And another thing take your mess away or in to a bin , some drivers are giving the majority a bad name by dumping rubbish out there cabs and driving off, there’s to few overnight parking spaces as it is with out more getting closed down because the council / neighbours get it closed due to mess!