There should be only a guide and help. It is also testing task with the trailer to drive in the UK around the corner?
There should be only a guide and help. It is also testing task with the trailer to drive in the UK around the corner?
Come again? Your OP made little sense…
You think the OP made no sense? Try the captions in the video…
It’s worth watching the video just for the captions - they made me laugh anyway.
If you’re going to translate captions into English at-least check that the translation is correct and understandable.
I’m sorry but the captions translated into English make very little sense.
AAARRRRGHHHHH! my brain hurt’s
Sorry. For some German concepts there was no literal translation
I’m working on
Sorry. For some German concepts there was no literal translationI’m working on
Hi grandarom,
There are English words for all the concepts in the captions.
Google Translate (other poor translation services are available) doesn’t deal with the complexity of German grammar.
If you could write the captions here in original German please, maybe I can help.
We don’t have many of that (“A” frame drawbar) truck/trailer combination in the UK, so these are not normally used for a C+E driving test.
To answer your original question, we don’t have a reverse around a corner exercise on a UK C+E driving test.
We have some help for the UK C and C+E driving tests here:
LGV TRAINING TIPS [Reworked 01/02/2022] (Read only) - NEW AND WANNABE DRIVERS (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK
The reversing exercises for C and C+E in the UK are here:
LGV TRAINING TIPS [Reworked 01/02/2022] (Read only) - #12 by rog - NEW AND WANNABE DRIVERS (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK
Dave’s German/English tipp…
Es ist = it is
Ist es? = is it? (mit Fragezeichen.)