Links On Trucknet?

Well, I’m more confused now than when I started :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

So let’s start here
( and bear in mind that QHunter and I are finding this quite funny) :laughing:

He posted a link in the body of his message to the PDA…is that OK■■?

I posted a link to the PDA in the body of my message…is that ok■■?

That should clarify it once and for all :laughing:


Ok, guys…this is how it is…

As I’m sure most of you are aware, TruckNet as a site, and the owner as a person, have had a series of problems with the PDA since it broke away from these forums. These problems have come to a head over the past few months culminating in a public statement of disassociation being posted by Rikki (the site owner).

Over that entire period of time we have again and again tried to cut both Ms Nicholson and her organistaion some slack for exactly the reasons which people have stated above…

  • Because they are a worthwhile organistaion defending drivers’ rights
  • Because many of our members would be interested in and helped by their achievements.
  • Because since they are a campaigning group and we are not, they were not viewed as direct competition in the purest commercial sense.

However, unfortunately various members of the PDA, some of whom hold positions of authority within said group (either as Committee Members or Trustees) have continued to take liberties with this position…Ms Nicholson (“Pat”), Mr Le Grys (“Vascoingles”/“Grim Reaper”) in particular, but there are others.

Therefore a line has been drawn, yet again. We have drawn many lines by mutual agreement in the past, and every single time those lines have been crossed. Therefore this time it is a BIG BOLD SOLID CLEAR INARGUABLE one. No arguments, nothing to be unclear about.

It is sad that it has come to this, and I for one hope that one day it will no longer be needed. But as long as the people mentioned above persist in employing playground tactics of the type which brought all this to a head, the line stays. So the whole thing really is in their hands.

*On a more personal note…*Rikki has put his heart and soul into making this site what it is, for you, the members, to enjoy. He has invested hours of his time, an appalling amount of money, and a good chunk of his heart in the whole thing…and will continue to do so for as long as people want to use it. It’s his baby, and to say that it hurts him when people try to attack that baby, or drag it down, or use it as a whipping boy, etc.etc. is like saying that I would be “a tad miffed” if someone attacked my daughter. Understatement is an understatement in itself.
And I don’t like that (funnily enough)…therefore if he chooses to make a stand and draw a line on what is, after all, his website, I will back him, and continue to back him, as long as there is breath in my body to do so.

Now let that be the end of this.

He posted a link in the body of his message to the PDA…is that OK■■?

No. The message was removed as a ban has been imposed thanks to the childish tactics of YOU and some of your fellow members/Trustees (see above).

I posted a link to the PDA in the body of my message…is that ok■■?

No. The message was removed as a ban has been imposed thanks to the childish tactics of YOU and some of your fellow members/Trustees (see above).

It all seems reasonable to me :open_mouth:

Its a shame that the PDA hasn’t got anything better to think about :cry:
After all they have problems of their own on their website!

However, unfortunately various members of the PDA, some of whom hold positions of authority within said group (either as Committee Members or Trustees) have continued to take liberties with this position…Ms Nicholson (“Pat”), Mr Le Grys (“Vascoingles”/“Grim Reaper”) in particular, but there are others.

Therefore a line has been drawn, yet again. We have drawn many lines by mutual agreement in the past, and every single time those lines have been crossed. Therefore this time it is a BIG BOLD SOLID CLEAR INARGUABLE one. No arguments, nothing to be unclear about.

It is sad that it has come to this, and I for one hope that one day it will no longer be needed. But as long as the people mentioned above persist in employing playground tactics of the type which brought all this to a head, the line stays. So the whole thing really is in their hands.

A very public statement and one that needs to be backed up with facts, to avoid breaking your own rules on Personal Attacks.

PDA Member

Joined: 21 Jun 2003
Posts: 108

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 11:15 pm Post subject:


(Not you, Ali…the rest of it.)

Don’t mind me…just having a nose…

Now this is the post that invited me to come and take a look at what had been posted on here about the PDA, childish…yes very :laughing:

Pat aka Ms Nicholson

I think as a PDA member Lucy had a very valid point to make on that thread!!

Ms Nicholson.

I have stated VERY clearly that the PDA and its business has NO place on TruckNet UK at the present time

This conversation ends HERE on this site…

I suggest you stop trying to create issues on here and concerntrate on what the PDA should be doing… ON YOUR SITE

This thread is now locked… and any attempts to revive the issue with the PDA on TruckNet UK WILL be removed without notice