Links On Trucknet?

But then again, I’ve been wrong before and no doubt I will be wrong again in the future :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Thats a womans perogative, Pat! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Sure as Eggs is Eggs…and I’m man enough to admit it :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


So I’ll say it again:
“Your original post above could easily be misinterpreted as ‘stirring it’, and we wouldn’t want that, eh.”

I’ve skilfully ignored that remark twice now, but don’t push me :wink: :imp: :laughing:


Just out of idle curiosity, why have you got a bee in your bonnet about this, aside from the obvious?

'scuse me, but you’re going to have to tell me what the obvious is 'cos it ain’t that obvious to me :unamused:


'cos it ain’t that obvious to me :unamused:


Nor Me So yes please do tell!!!

:laughing: :laughing: …@ pat…go on girl…you should have gathered by now hun…if ur face dont fit…WELL…

Maybe it’s because I’m tired but terry , please be a man and say exactly what you mean so that it’s obvious to us all.

And while you’re doing so just remember that tonight, because all the Mods seem to be out, we’re actually having a decent discussion on here with no personal attacks or contentious posts.

Surely a lesson to be learned there :laughing: :laughing:


hey i wasnt having a go at you, where was the personnal attack… flippn heck … i give up… get on with it

a couple of Trucknet Members

TruckNet with a big “N” if you don`t mind, Pat.


Hey terry, I was trying to show them we could manage without them :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I wasn’t accusing you of a personal attack, I take more than that everyday before 6am from the Guys I work with :laughing: :wink:

Trucknet with a BIG N?

No…I won’t say it Vince :wink: :wink: :laughing:



It was there when I started this thread…but it appears that the Mods have woken up at last :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Waiting by my email box for an explanation in full :wink:

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Just a few facts here then guys

Qhunter’s original post Sat 6th at 5.42am
Pats reply Sat 6th at 6.56am
Thread removed for review Sat 6th at 7.15am
Pat started this thread Sat 6th at 6.32 pm

After the topic was reviewed Qhunter was sent a pm by myself as to why it had been removed.

The moderators and admin have never made a point of of informing personally every member that has posted on a topic that has been removed,life is far to short for that :slight_smile:

I cannot imagine having to lock a thread like this one and sending out 30 odd e-mails to everyone that has posted on it :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:



Another fact that was omitted. :laughing:

It also appeared back yesterday afternoon, albeit very briefly, but with my post removed :unamused: :unamused:

That was the reason for me posting the question at the start of this thread :wink:

So, would it not be approriate to clarify the position of PDA Links on Trucknet now, so we’re all very clear on whether there is a blanket ban, a selective ban or is it just a case of only the ones designed to stir up trouble, being allowed :question: :question:

Clarification Please and then it will be sorted :laughing: :laughing:


Links to any part of the PDA site are banned on this forum.L.

Does seem a pity to see links to other drivers sites banned from the one site or the other :unamused: really as all do only seem to have the best for the drivers at heart and as we are all unanimous in this aim it seems a bit ridiculous to go to these lengths.
That there will always be a certain amountof rivalry between sites is a part of human nature and will always be there but for it to be taken to this extent does border on being petty.
Obviously such decisions are up to the people who run the various sites but surely mutual respect and in certain instances cooperation would be preferable.
I hope that no one sees this as an attack because it is not it is just a generl observation nothing more.

mmm, well you live and learn. I didn’t know links to the other place were banned.

From what I can remember my thread was posted just after 6am and had been removed for review within the hour.

Very funny thread though for all that :slight_smile:

TruckNet UK’s policy to links to outside organisations are clear

Rule 8 states

Personal Websites - This means sites like Vince’s and Bully’s, which are non-commercial/political sites which people have built for their own and others’ enjoyment. Allowed in signatures and can be linked from relevant posts

Organisations - eg.Owner Operators, PDA, etc. By agreement only in signatures in relevant threads. So don’t post it without asking.

Commercial Sites - Not allowed in signatures. Can, however, be posted by a member who has no connection to the site in answer to a question in a relevant thread.
So if someone asked where to buy a fridge and AtkiG11 said “Try” then it would be removed.

The obvious exceptions to this, by the way, are our paying advertisers…they can do what they like (within reason)!

NO Links to the PDA are allowed on these forums without my permission, requested by PM or e-mail to me personaly BEFORE they are posted

Qhunter aren´t some of them just :unamused: it just that such a ban seems ridiculous as there are so many amongst us who not only visit but post on both sites anyway :open_mouth:

Well this just goes to show how easy it can be to be a mod/admin :frowning:


ive been hornswoggled.

theres no fridges for sale on that coldstuff site :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: @ Neil