license revoked

hi just wondering if any one has had the same problem .
I passed out last September and the doctor informed the dvla . I was told I was allowed to drive as they though it was every thing catching up with me the not sleeping properly and not eating properly . then end of January I had a letter of dvla saying my hgv license has been revoked along with my car (hgv 12 months and car 6 months ) is their any way I can fight it or can I apply for it back early ? I have bin going round in circles talking to dvla and citizens advice if any 1 on here could shed some light it would be much appreciated .

What medical reason have the DVLA stated in writing for the revocation?

they said in the letter my license had been revoked due to a common faint ? my doctor doesn’t understand how I have lost my license of me and he doesn’t think their is anything I can do ,

they said in the letter my license had been revoked due to a common faint ? my doctor doesn’t understand how I have lost my license of me and he doesn’t think their is anything I can do ,

Registered letter to DVLA insisting on the specific medical condition and an email to your MP

Mine was revoked a few years back had to fight DVLA for it back took everything from me with no specified time on when I could apply for it back

Had a lot of test done including several ecg eeg ct scan mri scan blood taken all test done dye pump through the heart a heart monitor for 24 hrs ( yep had to sleep with it on as well ) heart scan think this was all

Was at hospital every week for nearly 3 mth then it slowed down all test came back clear still dont know what happened it has happened since as more prone to it as it has happened

Took me several mth to get it back in fact IIRC DVLA had my licence a total 18 mth it has all been documented on here in the past

Wish you luck on this one. I had a provoked Fit in 2011 which lasted 8 seconds. I reported it to the DVLA and 3 months later they revoked my HGV i have had the all clear form 3 independent Neuroligists and took the dvla to court £12000 later in legal fees i lost.Its been nearly 3 years now and just reapplied they have said its a 5 year ban so fingers crossed

Wish you luck on this one. I had a provoked Fit in 2011 which lasted 8 seconds. I reported it to the DVLA and 3 months later they revoked my HGV i have had the all clear form 3 independent Neuroligists and took the dvla to court £12000 later in legal fees i lost.Its been nearly 3 years now and just reapplied they have said its a 5 year ban so fingers crossed

I didnt have a 5 year ban even after a fit which took 5.5 hrs to stabilise in hospital & the rest of what happened as said had many test done & they couldnt find anything then that major fit just over 3 years ago

I Had my licence revoked before I’d even got it. I was 18, passed out in shopping mall had ever test done possible and nothing showed up. I eventually saw a specialist and he found it was down to exhaustion. But Was told couldn’t apply for car licence for 12 months(providing no more blackouts) and when I applied for my hgv back in 2008 was told had to be free from any blackouts for 10 years to get hgv provisional. I had to wait a matter of weeks till my 10 years was up. They wouldn’t give it me early.