The DVLA tell you in the licence application that renewal can take around three weeks so don’t bother chasing before then.
I sent my renewal docs off three weeks ago and my licence ran out two weeks ago.
I 'phoned them on Monday this week and was told my application was with the medical department but I can still drive under section 88 until my licence is returned or I hear otherwise from them.
When I sent in my application I stated that I was seeing a consultant in haematology as a condition has been picked out from my blood tests taken on my annual diabetes check up,(only borderline diabetes, diet controlled, no problem).
The blood condition is called Polycythemia, and is an excess of red blood cells, (Like the opposite of Anaemia), and I enclosed the consultants latest letter which states that I am asymptomatic, (Showing NO symptons of anything), and the consultant wants to see me in another ten weeks with the only advice being that I drink more water as dehydration can cause this situation.
Both my GP and consultant have assured me that this condition is no reason to refuse my licence renewal, depends on how the DVLA interpret this!
But as I have found out in the recent past, the new licence starts from the day the DVLA posts it to you,so as I have to renew my licence every year now, I am gaining some time.
My licence used to be up for renewal on my birthday in July, but these last few years I have gained three months while waiting for my licence to come back.
Phoning the DVLA to request the position on your licence does seem to waken them up, after calling last week, my licence was delivered back within four days.
I got the usual letter back accepting my type 2 diabetes, with the proviso that should my condition change I was to inform them ASAP.
No mention was made of my Polycythemia which I had mentioned, so as I thought, that cannot be all that serious.