LHD Leyland Marathons


Unsure if this pictures has been placed over here…a French-version out of a BL-company document

French 6x4 drawbar.

IIRC, when I was at Pickfords Heavy Haulage in the early 1980s, we had at least one Marathon Lhd tractor unit operating on machinery movements. I think it was a demo from Leyland or as a extra u it to use while we were waiting on Scammell products

I have looked for pictures of it but if any of our members have any, I’d love to see them

Adr posted this one one the '80s thread a while back. It’s very nicely presented but apparently it was destroyed by fire. Dunno what the driveline was. Robert


She had a TL12 & 9 speed Fuller in her Robert. Apologies for (very) late reply.


Adr posted this one one the '80s thread a while back. It’s very nicely presented but apparently it was destroyed by fire. Dunno what the driveline was. Robert

She had a TL12 & 9 speed Fuller in her Robert. Apologies for (very) late reply.

Thank you adr! :smiley:

(Here’s the pic again, to make sense of your kind reply).


While searching fb i came across this photo,looks to be the fair truck i photographed. shame…



I know the BRS Overland Iran venture is generally regarded as a flop, but I still like the idea of dear old parochial BRS doing Middle-East very beguiling! :sunglasses:


Were BRS this spec ?

Were BRS this spec ?

Yes, that would seem to be the case if this news item is to be believed :sunglasses:

Iraq, I think

Don’t remember seeing this one before, Spanish, from fb with no info.


Argoat foods Carnoet, feed for cattle according to the fb post i got the photo from.


Another fb find, not guaranteed lhd but i would guess it would be… lovely…

Fuzzy pic, but is that one mirror nearest the white line? And two nearest the edge of the road?
If so LHD.
I can’t make out the reg plate either.

Italian- drivers arm out of left hand window, passenger on other side,I think