LGV trainning starts tomorrow

As my trainning begins tomorrow i’d like to take this chance to thank the members of this forum particulary this new and wannabe drivers part for all the information they have posted…specially to ROG who in my view is the most active ‘‘poster’’…
when i 1st decided to go for an LGV licence i can honestly say i was an absolute ignorant in what regarded the process and indeed the best way to achieve my goal…this forum cleared so many doubts and brought so much other info i hadn’t even thought about that i think the DSA should include it on one of their cd-rom’s… :wink:
Anyway that’s it…thankyou very much for all your wisdom and experience…will keep coming back for enlightment…eheh…
all the best… :smiley:

As my trainning begins tomorrow i’d like to take this chance to thank the members of this forum particulary this new and wannabe drivers part for all the information they have posted…specially to ROG who in my view is the most active ‘‘poster’’…
when i 1st decided to go for an LGV licence i can honestly say i was an absolute ignorant in what regarded the process and indeed the best way to achieve my goal…this forum cleared so many doubts and brought so much other info i hadn’t even thought about that i think the DSA should include it on one of their cd-rom’s… :wink:
Anyway that’s it…thankyou very much for all your wisdom and experience…will keep coming back for enlightment…eheh…
all the best… :smiley:

Best of luck mate- keep smiling lol

Have FUN :smiley: :smiley:

Who you training with :question:

i’m trainning with sterling…lets see how that goes…

Good Luck.

Sterling where? I went with them my instructor was a top bloke [John in Northampton] its just the office side of the organisation who are ■■■■■

Niknik was that a general good luck wish or a ''good luck with the company ''one? :grimacing:
the thing is that i only found out about this forum when it was already to late so i just had to toughen it up and go for it…
anyway 1st day’s done and it didn’t went so bad…i think i’ve got the reversing bit almost mastered…still missing a bit on the msm but i’ll pay more atention to it…at the moment it’s more like signal,mirror manouvre…
apart from that driving wasn’t so bad…cliped a kerb or two in the begining but i’m more aware of the lenght of the vehicule now…
gears wasn’t so bad either…getting the hang of it…
in general i liked it and had some fun…i can just imagine what it must be to drive an artic…proper driving stuff…
let’s see how tomorrow goes…
…all the best… :wink:

Niknik was that a general good luck wish or a ''good luck with sterling ''one? :grimacing:
the thing is that i only found out about this forum when it was already to late so i just had to toughen it up and go for it with sterling…

This has been said before - many have had, to put it nicely :wink: , issues. with the management and style of the so called national training providers BUT the instructors, for the most part, have been good.

hope you are sending an invoice to the council for cleaning their kerbstones :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

That’s right ROG ,no complaints so far regarding my instructor…
about the invoice to be sent to the counsil i supose training provider’s the one who should do that as there isn’t anything in their terms and conditions saying that should a trainee mount a kerb he will have to pay…well…better not give them any ideas or they will put that there for sure… :smiley: :smiley: …and then they’ll ask for an extra damage excess waiver insurance plus administrative fees plus VAT…and they would probably charge an administrative fee to the local counsil aswell just to send the money… :wink:plus VAT…

Niknik was that a general good luck wish or a ''good luck with the company ''one? :grimacing:
the thing is that i only found out about this forum when it was already to late so i just had to toughen it up and go for it…
anyway 1st day’s done and it didn’t went so bad…i think i’ve got the reversing bit almost mastered…still missing a bit on the msm but i’ll pay more atention to it…at the moment it’s more like signal,mirror manouvre…
apart from that driving wasn’t so bad…cliped a kerb or two in the begining but i’m more aware of the lenght of the vehicule now…
gears wasn’t so bad either…getting the hang of it…
in general i liked it and had some fun…i can just imagine what it must be to drive an artic…proper driving stuff…
let’s see how tomorrow goes…
…all the best… :wink:

Both :smiley: .
In all honesty though, like ROG has said the instructors will be fine its just the admin side of it.

I’d just focus on passing your test and looking forward to the pass banner.

It’s funny that as i drove of in my car after training today i was avoiding to mount the kerbs with my rear wheels,using the mirrors much more and this evening instead of parking looking over my shoulder i found myself using the side mirrors…gladly i did not look for markers as i reversed into parking at ASDA.maybe tomorrow… :smiley:

It’s funny that as i drove of in my car after training today i was avoiding to mount the kerbs with my rear wheels,using the mirrors much more and this evening instead of parking looking over my shoulder i found myself using the side mirrors…gladly i did not look for markers as i reversed into parking at ASDA.maybe tomorrow… :smiley:

It always makes me smile when the LGV trainees find out that there are… side mirrors on my car!! :laughing: :laughing:

It always makes me smile when the LGV trainees find out that there are… side mirrors on my car!! :laughing: :laughing:

If car manufacturers made the door mirrors on cars bigger and a better shape, they’d be more useable, and nobody would disregard them and just use the interior mirror… The mirrors I have on my car are so insignificant I have the nearside in one position for driving on the road, and then adjust it downwards so i can see to park.

I drive a Land Rover Defender 90 (of 1989 vintage), and the mirrors are great. Decent size. I did think it was funny when I got out the Atego (see avitar) and into the LR, it felt like I was in a low sports car (due to being sat higher all day).


New Blood

training going well…test on monday…bring it on…i supose…
A good weekend to everybody…

training going well…test on monday…bring it on…i supose…
A good weekend to everybody…

GOOD LUCK :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

right,test day tomorrow and i’m really not sure how it’s going to go…i was fairly confident and aware of what’s expected of a driver on the road during training but on test day nerves kick in and things can go wrong…i’ll try to keep calm and focused and what the hell,if i do fail it’s only money in the end of the day innit? :neutral_face: :neutral_face: ahahah…right…

Relax - it’s on;y driving a big oblong thing with 4 wheels…

Yeh, I know …


:wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: