Lets count to a MILLION

The great 208! - Radio Luxembourg

The great 208! - Radio Luxembourg

Ah yes, I remember laying in bed on a Sunday night listening to Radio Luxembourg and the Peter Stuyvesant top 20… :sunglasses:

Messerschmitt Me 209 V1
The world’s fastest piston engined airplane which set the absolute world speed record of 469.22 mph on April 26, 1939.


radioactive stuff used to poison Alexander Litvinenko

211 Kilometres Ive done today cos they changed Bradford around :confused: :confused: :blush:

At 211 degrees, water is hot.
At 212 degrees, it boils.

thanks google :smiley:

213 is the number of the Concorde aircraft that holds the world record for fastest flights around the world in both directions:
Westbound RTW: 12-13 October 1992: 32 hours 49 minutes 03 seconds Lisbon-Santo Domingo-Acapulco-Honolulu-Guam-Bangkok- Bahrain-Lisbon Eastbound RTW: 15-16 August 1995: 31 hours 27 minutes 49 seconds New York/JFK-Toulouse-Dubai-Bangkok-Guam (Andersen AFB)- Honolulu-Acapulco-New York/JFK The Eastbound (1995) record is the current GUINNESS BOOK OF RECORDS official world record.

214 is the number of bones in a Human skeleton.

An official report has concluded that former GP Harold Shipman killed at least 215 patients over more than 25 years.


Denis F:
An official report has concluded that former GP Harold Shipman killed at least 215 patients over more than 25 years.news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/2138888.stm

And they say he was Britains worst serial killer, surely this makes him the best :confused: !
Ill get me coat :smiley:


Denis F:
An official report has concluded that former GP Harold Shipman killed at least 215 patients over more than 25 years.news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/2138888.stm

And they say he was Britains worst serial killer, surely this makes him the best :confused: !
Ill get me coat :smiley:

Then again the BEST might still be going!!! :smiling_imp:

Tunisia country phone code is**…+216**

The 217 area code currently covers much of Central Illinois, including the capital city of Springfield,but I don’t think it’s that one.DOH!!!


In 218 BC, Hannibal crossed from Spain to Italy over the Alps with 50,000 infantry,9000 cavalry and 37 elephants.

219 aftershocks monitored in quake zone from Wednesday noon to Thursday noon in china

VX220 - ridiculous and impractical, can barely get overnight kit in it, needs a 3 month intensive yoga course to get in and out of it, once a pothole has been hit, the mistake is never made again, just about get 180 miles out of a full tank, rear window the size of a handkerchief.

The perfect car.

221B Baker Street the fictional London residence of the detective Sherlock Holmes,


222 was the number of a fighter squadron,in WW2,and it was also the fleet number of my Merc Hacksaw at my previous employer.


.223 is the bore of a rifle favoured by rabbit hunters :laughing:

224, the horse power of the first truck of my own, a rigid MAN 18.224