Left had drive british registered truck

saw a british registered truck (brit plates) but was left hand drive. is this another tax dodge thats going round kinda like registering vehicles in ireland for dodging tax

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That used to be called flagging out, an example of this would have been sending a UK truck to Holland to be registered there with new Dutch plates and take the equivalent of their MOT to save the cost of running a UK rig with higher vehicle excise duty.
DVSA got wind of it and clamped down in this loophole.

Nah, it probably runs Euro most of it’s life,.and has been specced up that way.

Much easier,.and convenient driving a left ■■■■■■ over there.
There’ a lot of them about UK reg lhd.s

Jeez this bloody forum and it’s stupid censorship.:roll_eyes:. left ‘h00ker’ ffs.

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Are we still allowed to say back door delivery?

i got what you meant. i guess it would help over here as well given all the blind side bays at most depots

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As already said above: it’s fairly commonplace to run LHD trucks if most of your work is over the water. Also, in recent times we’ve imported a workforce of drivers more accustomed to LHD orientation.

Of the 24 LHD lorries I drove, half of them were British registered.

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Yeah, but you still get blind sides on lhd.s when reversing into the right…obvs.:smiley:

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Meant to.say…worst things about getting used to lhd.s is when you get home and try to drive your own car.

In a lhd your brain is telling you to ‘hug’ the kerb, unfortunately it is still telling you that when driving your rhd car, if you let your mind wander.
My nearside wheels in the car were both regularly kerbed, so much so my Mrs thought I was dangerous, :joy:…so she did all the driving at weekends,.so not all bad.:smile:

Another thing when I came off lhd.s to my present job,.I spent the first 2 to 3 weeks jumping in the passenger side of the truck.:roll_eyes::joy:

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I bought a LHD car to overcome that problem and was promptly given a RHD unit :rofl:

I often used to take a RHD unit up to somewhere in the UK to load, then ship out in the evening with a LHD one. In the end I got so used to hopping from RHD to LHD that I became ambidextrous.

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i always wondered if it would be possible to have a steering wheel on each side. it could easily be done just not sure if it could be done safely

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Or even better the steering wheel in the middle, either in a fixed position or be able to slide left or right depending on which country you are in.

Not being funny…but WHY ? :smiley:

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Not JUST me with the wheel kerbing then. :smile:

Well known tax dodge.
I bet the driver was a woman with long red hair?

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No flagging out now as such now.
Post Brexit “Fly By Night” has moved to Eire.
Not just altering vehicle reg plates, but all company taxes, contracts of employment etc are in Eire.

Another Brexit benefit.
For the Irish this time, not the French or Dutch.

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nah far too specific it was another doctor/lawyer preggers with 2 young children.

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for us that are incompetent at reversing on the good side.

no seriously just ease of driving on the continent as obviously everything is set up for lhd pain in the arse if your in a car… i imagine almost on the verge of impossible to deal with in a lorry

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Mmm dont know.
Just same as driving a lhd in UK, you just get used to it and adapt.

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I rang up an Irish firm for a job and the very first thing he said was : “Would you be prepared to go over the hours to make the ferry?”.

You can guess that the telephone call ended abruptly.

Make the ferry for them was probably a one hitter of 35 hours driving non stop.

Yes, he meant ‘make the ferry from Madrid’ :joy:

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