learning curve

hello ,
firstly i passed my class 2 dec 21st 2004 class 1 may 18th 2005
had many different trucks to drive ,mainly due to agency work …
had also started work full time because i was promised the earth…
which when been new at the game one looks at with rose tinted
glasses ,so to speak. well im now back on agency work, went away
last monday with a wagon and drag , never driven one before so it
with a lot of trepidation i left the yard on monday morning ,
fortunately for me i was with another driver who had his liscence#
through grandfathers rights… so he knew i was feeling a little
nervous( a lot actually )… but said im not here to teach you to drive
just show you the job how to unhitch etc etc …what to do when we
get to where -ever ,like leaving the trailer at cannock the hollies, and
going around till that was empty , doing a box change etc etc
well the job was home deliveries … soon discovered that isnt my
cup of tea . ■■■■■■■ wardrobes etc etc ,then driving 2 or 3 miles to do
the same again bloody awkward keeping tabs on how long you have
been driving was a nightmare,
we stayed at cannock tues ,wed,thursday returning home friday night
all i can say is at least it was with an agency and i dont have to go
back on monday , hands up to the fellas and ladies that do that kind
work , as i said at least i tried didnt like it , hopefully the agency has
some work next week nothing yet though

awkward keeping tabs on how long you have
been driving was a nightmare,

Either pen and paper with a stop watch or the drivers hour guard.

Ive just come off doing home deliveries for Exel (Ikea) been doing it sinse November and hated every minute of it!!! Sofas are the worst, and people dont mesure up there starway/doors and you dont find out it wont fit till you get to top floor of a flat, then have to lump it all back down again while your truck has been blocking residencial street for the last hour!!! Exel got rid of the 7.5 tonners but half the streets you come to have 7.5 tonne restriction signs which was cleaver!! Cars parked on street corners, cant get round them, so have to reverse all the way back into busy main road!!! :imp:

One thing it tought me though, was driving down the most tightest of streets, and after a while got quite used to it so im not afraid of taking on a bin waggon job now like i did in the past. :smiley:

I stopped working att Exel (Ikea) 2 weeks ago, and ive still got the cuts and brusies to show for it.

Im looking now for a nice trunking job, but chance of that is next to nill untill i get my class 1 :frowning:

Good luck with new job mate :smiley:

I passed my class two in Nov 05 and signed on with an agency, did’nt really expect to get much work straight away but the next day they phoned and asked me to go on a job the following day. It turned out to be a removal firm that move businesses. Well I had to go to a place by Madame Tussauds in London with thee other blokes in the cab and we had to work like flippin slaves to get all the stuff down and into the wagon, then drive to Luton airport and reverse the process, I must have lost a stone in weight, then drive back up to the midlands with the rest of them giving it ZZZZZ’s all the way back.
Well this company asked for me again and like a fool I went, this time it was moving computer servers from some offices in Coventry to the new location in Birmingham city centre, well these things weighed a ton and we could’nt fit them in the lift so they had to carried up two flights of stairs, well I was banjaxed after that. They kept asking for me to go back but I had to tell the agency that I would’nt go there again as I cannot afford to put my back out or cause some other injury. It was 90% shifting things and 10% driving.
I can imagine how you feel.

[zb] that :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
stick to paletised goods m8
i just love getting paid for watching someone else loading
and tipping me :wink: :laughing:
funny how agencys always have loads of handball jobs :open_mouth:
good for getting experiance i suppose but it didnt take
me long to work out that some agencys only get the jobs that
companys cant get their own drivers to do :wink: :wink:

when you put your back out or worse :exclamation: they just use
another mug and you are left skint for months :open_mouth: :wink: