

Got a question. As a learner am I allowed on a motorways or not?
Highway code rule 227:
“Motorways must not be used by pedestrians, holders of provisional car or motorcycle driving licences, unless exempt, riders of motorcycles under 50cc, cyclists and horse riders. Certain slow-moving vehicles and those carrying oversized loads (except by special permssion0, agricultural vehcles and most invalid carrages are also prohibited.”

It does not say anything about the LGV or I do not understand it. :question: :unamused:



LGV learners ARE allowed on the motorway.

LGV test routes often include a stretch of motorway driving, which they couldn’t do if you weren’t allowed on.

That is what I was thinking. Thanks

Although LGV training vehicles have to carry L plates by law, technically you asre not a learner driver.
You ae a fully qualified Cat B driver who is simply taking training in the correct method of handling a larger vehicle.
So of course you can use motorways.

Due to the above why on earth did the rules change to get rid of the old HGV L plates and replace them with regular ones?
totally at odds with the learner driver/upgrade training ruling.

Don’t get me started on the motorway restrictions for car learners…

Don’t get me started on the motorway restrictions for car learners…

OK, I won’t.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:


Don’t get me started on the motorway restrictions for car learners…

OK, I won’t.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Why not? He likes to rant. :laughing: :laughing:

There are valid arguments on both sides but at the end of the day it comes down to Geography. Certain parts of the Country have easy access to Motorways but if you live (and train) in say, Cornwall, Mid-Wales, even parts of East Anglia, then the nearest Motorway can effectively be the best part of half a day’s drive away. And what trainer would ever want to commit themselves to a stretch of the M25 when the next pupil is booked within under 60 minutes?

:open_mouth: :open_mouth:



Don’t get me started on the motorway restrictions for car learners…

OK, I won’t.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

There are valid arguments on both sides but at the end of the day it comes down to Geography. Certain parts of the Country have easy access to Motorways but if you live (and train) in say, Cornwall, Mid-Wales, even parts of East Anglia, then the nearest Motorway can effectively be the best part of half a day’s drive away. And what trainer would ever want to commit themselves to a stretch of the M25 when the next pupil is booked within under 60 minutes?

:open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I did mean for where there is one locally available :slight_smile:

Why not? He likes to rant. :laughing: :laughing:

OH YES :exclamation: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Learner car drivers, driving on motorways!!! :open_mouth: :imp: :smiling_imp:

I live near a test route, so we get a lot of learners around here as you would expect, I’m sorry to say that many instructors don’t care how much they disrupt other people, it’s not unusual to see 3 or 4 learners blocking the road within a short distance of each another, and clearly within sight of each other, it’s not the learners fault they’re just doing what the instructors tell them.

If these so called professional instructors cause disruption on relatively quiet roads what on earth would they be like if they were let loose on the motorway network with learner drivers :unamused: :imp: :imp:

If these so called professional instructors cause disruption on relatively quiet roads what on earth would they be like if they were let loose on the motorway network

FUN :exclamation:
“please turn around, with the use of forward and reverse gears”
:wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What really brasses me off is that learners do their training on ordinary roads in their litle chool car with the instructor next to them. They then pass the test and can legally drive home along a motorway with no instructor to advise them.
I strongly believe that anybody passing a car test should still not be allowed on a motorway until they have taken a ‘Part 2’ training course on motorway driving. It would surely cut down on the amount of accidents by caused by inexperienced and probably scared stiff newbies in the fast lanes.
I am surprised the powers that be have not noticed this as a loophole as it would be more revenue for them - and we all know how they love that :imp:

with a class c provisional, are you allowed to drive any rigid vehicle with L-plates on it? or does it have to be a specific training vehicle?

Any rigid vehicle with L plates on can be driven on a provisional licence, providing the learner is accompanied by a full licence holder for that class, and has held the licence for at least 3 years. Also the vehicle insurance must cover provisional licence holders driving it.

There is a minimum specification for a vehicle used for test. The details of which can be found at :-

transportoffice.gov.uk/crt/v … rbuses.htm

^^^^ And here’s me think I was logged into TRUCKNET UK!

Here’s the minimum spec for test lorries LINK in shorter form :wink:

Well thats good macplaxton, but i’m not that smart! :smiley:

Maybe i’ll learn how to do the link thing sometime, but you gotta admit mine looks more impressive. :smiley:

Smart Mart:
Well thats good macplaxton, but i’m not that smart! :smiley:

Maybe i’ll learn how to do the link thing sometime, but you gotta admit mine looks more impressive. :smiley:

No, it’s a nuisance having to scroll across the page.

To make a link look like the one macplaxton did is very easy.

Yours looked like - Your URL, when you wrote your post out.

Macplaxtons looked like - [url=Your URL}LINK[/url], when he wrote his post out

Thanks Simon, but Rog PM’d me about it and showed me what to do last week I think it was.

Smart Mart:
There is a minimum specification for a vehicle used for test. The details of which can be found at :-

Hi Smart Mart, if you take this into “Quote” mode and look carefully, you’ll see that I’ve had a play with the link you gave.

Smart Mart’s link

It started off like this:

Then you can put other writing aroundYour link like this.

If you look at each character carefully, especially at the beginning and end, you’ll see the difference.
It’s also covered in the FAQs section.

If you have time, I’d suggest that you could have a play with it by using the “preview” feature so that you can see what it will look like.
If you don’t like it, you can alter it as many times as you like.
To get out of it completely, you can use the back arrow, or log off then log on again, because nothing will have been posted. :wink:

I don’t know what info ROG gave you, but I hope this helps. :smiley: