Last couple of weeks

What better time to be doing a site set-up in Scotland than over the past few weeks with the lovely weather. I’ll never get bored with the stunning views over the 66 and up the M74. Anyroad I took ½ days off today to top up my tan and it put me in the mood to bob a few pics up.

My wagon and drag is on test on Thursday So Dennis has been busy on the trailer over the weekend and has got my wagon till Thursday to do a few bit and bats.

The old trailer looks well to say it started life in 1973 as an artic

bit better than this lad running home with a wheel missing

Scammonden after picking up a lift from Ormskirk

Little house on the prairie

Our Lass dropped me off at work the other day as my car was in for test. I ended up with both the car and the wagon in Brighouse. Only one solution to get the car back to the yard……

a view of the most beautiful motorway in the country

having a rest in the café at the top of the A66

taking the dog for a walk down the yard

Then I pulled a 32’ from behind that greenhouse on the top left at the urban farm in Leeds.

only took a few bushes with me. You wouldn’t believe me that them emissions are very low (0.27) Sometimes when I’ve been running the pto on tick over for while looks like its running on coal

I met this little fellor looking round the trucks in Hamilton services. He loved sitting in the truck but was more interested in working the crane as he was mad on bob the builder

nice pics,i think i would have driven the car to the yard or got a lift home judging by the damage to the drivers door mate :open_mouth: (presuming it was the straps that did that) :wink: :laughing:

Nice Pic’s marlow :smiley:

I bought the car just over a year ago for £100. It cost me £80 to get through the test last year and £160 this year as it needed an exhaust. Other than dropping the oil never washed it or owt. A couple of dints in the doors are now although last time I did it I pulled the inside door panel off and it pops straight out.

I bought the car just over a year ago for £100. It cost me £80 to get through the test last year and £160 this year as it needed an exhaust. Other than dropping the oil never washed it or owt. A couple of dints in the doors are now although last time I did it I pulled the inside door panel off and it pops straight out.

fair comment :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’m not getting any of your pics Marlow. Says that your band width limit has been exceeded in place of where your pics should be.


Rob K:
I’m not getting any of your pics Marlow. Says that your band width limit has been exceeded in place of where your pics should be.


Thanks Rob, I was beginning to think it was just me.

Cry for help to a techo, I think :confused:

Salut, David.