
I have noticed a new phenomenon lately, lap surfing.
Its eyes down look at your phone and if you’re lucky you won’t get caught.
Well guess what? we can see down in your laps , and we can see you on facebook, twitter and instagram.

We can see your eyes looking down and your cars creeping forward in slow moving traffic, we can see coming up to roundabouts and looking down instead of straight ahead.

Its madness but its happening more and more.

Oh while I’m here , please look at the blog, I’ve got a couple of free apps to give you as well. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Occupation:Full Time Driver

Who exactly is “we”?

Going by the name it just could be…,plod! :wink:

Going by the name it just could be…,plod! :wink:

Yeah,my thoughts too. But he gives his occupation as “Occupation:Full Time Driver” ■■?
So maybe more like wanna be plod?

Or maybe one of them police ‘unit’ only patrol jobbies? Like that Jock fella on telly.

Or maybe one of them police ‘unit’ only patrol jobbies? Like that Jock fella on telly.

Nah. He seems to blog a lot.Perhaps he thinks that people actually read them? :open_mouth:

And your point is? obviously wannabe plod after all if you were real plod you would have nicked them go back to your sad blogs and stay there or here is a novel idea get a life

My understanding is that he’s a lorry driver talking about car drivers “lapsurfing”.

Why so quick to put the man down? Surely, as professional drivers, you don’t condone this sort of thing?

My understanding is that he’s a lorry driver talking about car drivers “lapsurfing”.

Why so quick to put the man down? Surely, as professional drivers, you don’t condone this sort of thing?

There are likes here that condone it. And that is sad.

evenin all

Internet warriors are out in force I see.

OP, yes lapsurfing is common here too, not just in traffic either.

Can’t see why the OP got shot down in flames :neutral_face:

He has a point, I see it all the time, usually the younger generation and usually female! That’s not to say blokes don’t do it because they do, even us truckers are to blame. It’s normally quite easy to spot the culprits.

Can’t see why the OP got shot down in flames :expressionless:

He has a point, I see it all the time, usually the younger generation and usually female! That’s not to say blokes don’t do it because they do, even us truckers are to blame. It’s normally quite easy to spot the culprits.

Just the use of the word “we”. Implying “we” are some sort of authority.

Fair point I missed that.


Can’t see why the OP got shot down in flames :expressionless:

He has a point, I see it all the time, usually the younger generation and usually female! That’s not to say blokes don’t do it because they do, even us truckers are to blame. It’s normally quite easy to spot the culprits.

Just the use of the word “we”. Implying “we” are some sort of authority.

It came across to me as “we” as in all of us truck drivers, as if he was saying a statement directed to car drivers on behalf of all of us.

But yeah, I can see their heads dipping when I’m behind them as well.
I’m a bit of a progressive driver when I’m in my car so I identify the culprits early on and when their heads are down and the lights are green, I don’t get on the horn, I simply go around them and get in front of them, I’ve done it a few times and they haven’t got a case to be ■■■■■■ off.

Sorry I missed the replies I was busy having a life. :confused: I dont usually sit here behind a keyboard at weekends slagging off people.
Thanks to the posters that got it. And to the ones that didn’t, you never will.

We we [wee]
plural pronoun, possessive our or ours, objective us.
We was and is meant as a form of togetherness, I, we, sit above them and see them playing with their phones, not above them as in a better than them sense, but as in higher than them ! I am sitting higher than them in the driving seat of a lorry.

Anyway the point was missed and it seems more interesting to slag me off and tell me to go away and write my blog.
My blog used to be deemed interesting enough to be fetured on the and in the Truck & Driver magazine , until I voluntary pulled it but I will bow to a higher power and p off back to it.

Sorry I missed the replies I was busy having a life. :confused: I dont usually sit here behind a keyboard at weekends slagging off people.
Thanks to the posters that got it. And to the ones that didn’t, you never will.

We we [wee]
plural pronoun, possessive our or ours, objective us.
We was and is meant as a form of togetherness, I, we, sit above them and see them playing with their phones, not above them as in a better than them sense, but as in higher than them ! I am sitting higher than them in the driving seat of a lorry.

Anyway the point was missed and it seems more interesting to slag me off and tell me to go away and write my blog.
My blog used to be deemed interesting enough to be fetured on the and in the Truck & Driver magazine , until I voluntary pulled it but I will bow to a higher power and p off back to it.

Don’t worry about it too much dude, too many folk seem to forget that it’s far easier to destroy rather than create!

Cheers for the comment. :smiley: