Landing fishing boats

hello all, wonder if anyone can help as this exempt taco rule is new to me,
I work for a fish processer and have been told that when i land fish within 100km radias i am taco exempt as long as the fish is being taken to the first point of process, that bit i checked and am clear on, the bit i dont understand is do i have to keep a log book for these hours, and if i say land a boat in the morning then deliver fish in the afternoon can i work normal taco hours on the delivery despite landing the fish in the morning… and…sorry to go on but bear with me…if i say deliver fish today can i be taco exempt and land a boat at night…i know this may sound a bit thick but only ever run on eu rules so have taken this job and no one seems to give me a stright answer on where i stand, and after all my licence is my living and want to keep it…
please help.
many tanks
ian…aka shonasdad. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I can’t help you on this but Vosa will give you advice.