Kingspan panels Holywell wales

Hi All

Just looking for any information on what company does or is main organiser of the transport from the kingspan plant in Holywell north wales and if they use sub contract hauliers.

Many thanks


I think it’s r j Jones .
Apparently they sub bits out.

I think it’s r j Jones .
Apparently they sub bits out.

Didnt Keedwells take this lot over after they hit the buffers ?


Yes keedwell did take over Jones group but don’t think they have any of this work anymore mostly steel and brick and block for there flat work so was interested to know who had it now and see if they are looking for sub contract hauliers

RJ Jones was bought out by Keedwells with a a promise that none of us would lose our jobs, three weeks later I was cleaning out my truck.

RJs Transport which is the reborn junkyard that came out of the ashes of Joneses do some work for them but even when it was RJ Jones it was mainly run by P&O Ferrymasters.

Don’t know anything on rates but the work is easy enough. The stuff is light as a feather and it all tends to be one hits. The stuff settles like crazy. I loaded out of Holywell on a regular basis and rarely made it back into England without stopping to re-secure the load at least three times.