Kill or Chill

just kil kill killl yeaaaaa…

no one to complain then :wink: :wink: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing:

:slight_smile: 99 and bit % chill.

I can’t really remember when I last raised my voice, never mind lost my temper. 15, maybe 20 years ago? - I dunno. :slight_smile:

Everything washes over me when I’m out driving. I just never let other peoples’ antics get to me. If someone turns off in front of me without signaling, or cuts me up in a queue I will allow myself a “tssk” through my teeth. Or sometimes think to myself ‘that muppet needs to take a retest’. That’s all though.
No shouting at the windscreen, horn, headlights, chasing after them, etc. :stuck_out_tongue: Never have done.

Did I read somewhere that there a six months custodial sentence recommended for first conviction purpetrators of the red mist / road rage syndrome nowadays ? :sunglasses:

well andy turns out it was all over a mobile, car driver was using one while driving , so was wandering and braking so ours hit the horn and flashed his lights, car driver flashed him a few hand signals so ours followed him into town and had him at traffic lights[didnt hit him] but frighned the bloke and his missus, she rang coppers from inside car , by the time the coppers arrived hed got in lorry , they told him to get out but he said if you want to speak to me ill see you at yard and drove off , thats why 4 cop cars became involved, then when they surronded truck at work a few threats were made to coppers. anyway now been charged on three counts but doesnt seem bothered. to be honest hes got his self in a load of trouble over nothing[ every other car driver seems to have one pinned to his year]. but thats the trouble when that red mist comes down common sense goes out the window

No probs ady. Happy days eh !!!

this is a really interesting point 'cos up UNTIL i started driving LGVs i was probably one of the most laid back and patient people i knew!

i’ve definitely noticed how that is slowly starting to change… some of the people/situations u have to deal with in this job could do just about ANYONE’s head in