Kill or Chill

chilled unless pushed to extreme, then its jack nicholson in the shing time :sunglasses:. when i loose the plot its gone for a while :laughing: :laughing:


Chill with other drivers, Kill with failed copper security men and plain nasty RDC staff

Very much chill, even if a security bod is being an arse - generally found once they know you are not going to get wound up then they stop trying !!


chilled unless pushed to extreme, then its jack nicholson in the shing time :sunglasses:. when i loose the plot its gone for a while :laughing: :laughing:

Would that be this version of The Shining? :laughing:

Rob K:

very short patience. though i,m chilling more as the years get clocked up.
i do not suffer fools at all.and cannot be arsed with small talk.

Is that why we get on so well Tezbo :open_mouth: :smiling_imp: :astonished: :smiley: :laughing: .

Small talk!! Have you two seen your post counts?!

Anyway Andy SMG, now youā€™ve calmed down tell us what you did. Is it one of them ā€œā€¦and the forktruck driver said to meā€¦chinned himā€¦out coldā€¦ā€?

> thecoder0:
> Been a lot calmer since the manslaughter charge was dropped and the medication is a lot better now.
LOL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
& how about the dizzy spellsā€¦?

99.9% chill - it amuses some of the lads on my firm no end how i ā€œneverā€ get wound up no matter whatā€™s going wrong or how much of a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  any crane driver/customer/copper is being, in fact they still only have one instance about 4 years ago when i lost my rag with one of them for a stupid action :blush:

sounds pompous but iā€™d far rather put my energies into planning to get jobs right from the start and making sure they run right :sunglasses:

Havent done anything nasty for a long time Mike-C. Now that Im a little bit older and wiser, Ive slowed down a little, and In doing so Ive noticed the amount of anger and stress in this business. Just sitting in an RDC for a couple of hours ( or ten ), you see all sorts of different personalitys from a variety of age groups. I personally try not to get too flustered. Every time Ive been told, " You wont get tipped for at least a couple of hours ". My reply has always been, " Magic, I could do with a couple of hours kip, cheers mate. " And nine times out of ten whos banging on my door after 20 minutes ?. But go the other way and youll make his day big time. And even if I do have to wait, I just contact base and let them deal with it. Dont get me wrong Mike, I have had the occasional day when I have seen the gates of Barlinnie prison looming ever closer. Its good to read how we all deal with it in different ways though.

> thecoder0:
> Been a lot calmer since the manslaughter charge was dropped and the medication is a lot better now.
LOL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
& how about the dizzy spellsā€¦?

Yeah lot better now H, thanks not had any dizzy spells since the incident with the security guard and his PENā€¦

Doc thinks I have an allergic reaction to pepper spray and CS Gas and possibly peaked capsā€¦They say I can have the tag removed next month. :wink: :wink: :wink:

well one of ours is kill , followed into yard by 4 cop cars, told by cop to get out of waggon, then arrested and carted off
apparently he got cut up by car and then all hell broke loose, then did a runner
more to follow

Has this guy always been like this Ady, or did someone just push him to far ā– ā– ?

dont know really andy as hes a rigid driver on days and im an artic driver on evenings so dont see him much ,he was a boxer and apparently a good one, but whether that means much i dont know.
i only got to know when i got there tonight as it had not long happened when i got there[ 4 cop cars following into yard, apparently cop who arrested him had batton ,stick ready when he arrested him].one of the loaders said it must of been serious for 4 cops to arrive like they did. i should get more details when i go in on monday

Many thanks for that Ady. I can fairly pick the time for a thread eh ā– ā– ? Hope it all blows over, and everything gets back to normal soon.

Short fuse no patience and a bad temper and i also say what i think to anybody . Once that short fuse has been lit and my patience tried and my temper lost itā€™s a very fine line between being bad tempered or in a state of rage.

Gotten me into trouble in the past .

99% Chill. But like a couple of others when I blow I tend to do it big style. Never been violent though. Canā€™t remember the last time I lost it, but there again iā€™ve got a crap memory.

When I was on day work in the UK I used to bite the bullet all day and then give it both barrels at home at the end of the dayā€¦The driving has never wound me up, but the TM had a masters degree in being an ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– .

Since I started driving on the Continent about 12 years ago nothing ever fazes meā€¦definately CHILL nowadays

95% chill . . . . . . . on the outside; allsorts being supressed on the inside most of the time. :confused:

I wasnā€™t always this good at keeping it in; for some reason it was the arrival of my kids that made me better at it.

Thatā€™ll probably change back again when theyā€™re teenagers . . . . . . . :unamused:

Since I started driving on the Continent about 12 years ago nothing ever fazes meā€¦definately CHILL nowadays

Never done euro work jimti, but from reading a lot of the diaries and posts on this site, the majority of drivers on euro work seem to be more chilled out. Why is this ? Is the pace of work slower, the people a bit more plausable, or a bit of both maybe !!! :confused:

Andy smg:

Since I started driving on the Continent about 12 years ago nothing ever fazes meā€¦definately CHILL nowadays

Never done euro work jimti, but from reading a lot of the diaries and posts on this site, the majority of drivers on euro work seem to be more chilled out. Why is this ? Is the pace of work slower, the people a bit more plausable, or a bit of both maybe !!! :confused:

I think the main points that make it better is
1, less congestion
2, more respected
3, more realistic schedules (normally)
4, more facilities (clean showers etc)
5, better weather
6, further away from nagging wife :smiling_imp:

I`ve always wanted to give it a go jimti, but the timing has never been right due to certain family commitments through the years. Point 6 seems to be quite a popular one though . :wink: :slight_smile: Only kidding girls !!! :laughing: :laughing:

well andy turns out it was all over a mobile, car driver was using one while driving , so was wandering and braking so ours hit the horn and flashed his lights, car driver flashed him a few hand signals so ours followed him into town and had him at traffic lights[didnt hit him] but frighned the bloke and his missus, she rang coppers from inside car , by the time the coppers arrived hed got in lorry , they told him to get out but he said if you want to speak to me ill see you at yard and drove off , thats why 4 cop cars became involved, then when they surronded truck at work a few threats were made to coppers. anyway now been charged on three counts but doesnt seem bothered. to be honest hes got his self in a load of trouble over nothing[ every other car driver seems to have one pinned to his year]. but thats the trouble when that red mist comes down common sense goes out the window