
with the clocks going forward today i expected to get up later.

so why has my little one got up at the same blooming time of 07.00. when technically speaking its 0nly blooming 6.

does there body clock leap forward for british summer time :smiley: :wink:

and too top it all off he’s hit the terrible twos in a very big way :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

tired and irritable daddy


just wait untill he’s a teenager and eating into your bank account. :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing:
Yeah…I agree with V8"KARL"V8, JONBOY They Really do get WORSE as they get older…money wise WORRY wise etc…Enjoy the littleness ,believe me they ARE not little long… :wink:
my son used to get up EVERY morn at 5.45,as soon as the sun was out or the birds were singing…a pain but i wish he was like that now :unamused:

Bringing up teenagers, is like nailing jelly to a tree.

my 3 year olds turning into a right little soandso.i think youre right about the body clock jonboy my 6 month old wakes up at 6.30 every morning.ive just packed in tramping to start knights on monday the theory being see them in the day time and have more time at weekends ive not started my new job yet and ive had enough already i dunno how my missus copes :confused: