Kids of today!

What do you think of the kids of today, or what do you really know about them?
Their knowledge of things like ■■■.
What kind of jokes they tell.
Their language.
How they use the internet and what they view.

Me, I’ve got 4 kids of my own and even though I say it myself they are really great kids, they respect Me and my partner, they never get into trouble, they have respect for their comunity.

I know that my eldest son, with using the internet has seen some graphic material, he has been sent some rather rude jokes via text on his phone and is probably a lot more street smart than I ever was at his age.

Now , some of you are thinking what am I doing letting my children see such stuff, I challenge any parent to try and stop them doing it.
Instead of being some kind of tyrant and taking computers, phones and the like from them. I protect them by talking to them about it,asking their opinion on it and actually respect their common sense that I have hopefully taught them.

I would like everybody to put some input into this, whether you r a parent, Grandparent, or neither. We are now living in the 21st century how much should people protect them, how much should people teach them.

Can one small part of the internet such as a forum like this one protect under 18’ when there so many other sites that are easilly available that they can see swear words, slightly rude videos and very rude ones for that matter.

message to admin, this not trying to have a go at you, it is an open and frank disscussion on what members think, and I would be obliged for some input from yourselves and the mods

I dont have kids but if and when I do I think and hope I will take same stance as you. I was never sheltered although my folks would like to think I was BUT you learn a lot on the streets and I think by talking openly you cant go wrong. That way they’re more likely to be honest when in trouble or when they have a problem. Ive been there done it and these days kids have no respect. I dont know why but I cant see it getting any better either :frowning:

Can one small part of the internet such as a forum like this one protect under 18’ when there so many other sites that are easilly available that they can see swear words, slightly rude videos and very rude ones for that matter.

surely you’re not suggesting that because some web sites have swearing and ■■■■ then they all should ?

Or because some high streets have ■■■ shops then Tescos should sell adult magazines and toys ? I can imagine the headlines in the daily mail already :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

IMHO there is a fine line to tread.

I have a daughter who is nearly 18 months old, so she is way too young for me to start worrying about these kinds of things yet!

But I can only think back to when I was a kid/teenager. Virtually everything was discussed, with no hysterical BS.

For example, when I first went out and got drunk, the next day my old man sat me down and said “Go out, have fun etc, but you’ll never pull a bird when you’re ■■■■■■■ and if some numpty decides to have a go at you, if you are too ■■■■■■■ you wont be able to run away, or talk your way out of it!”

Now this kind of open, honest dialogue is what I hope to have with my daughter. I feel that if you are seen to over-react to a situation, then that may well destroy any lines of communication you may have with your kids.

But, there is no magic formula for raising kids. And no right or wrong answer, it is all about judgement. :sunglasses:

Almost every single website has a line it draws regarding the content on it. That line varies according to what the website is meant to be about. Obviously a website that exists to provide graphic ■■■■■■ content could not have the line drawn at the level we do. Similarly on a website that caters for primary school kids the line would be far higher than here.

This website is set up to allow decent discussion of the transport industry and in particular the role of drivers within the industry. We hope to provide an enviromnt where all members of the industry, and those interested in it can participate and so drew a fairly high line for language and content.

Other websites have been succesful in also having the industry discussions but allowing more explicit content and language. that to my mind is a good thing as it gives the webuser the choice.

If people dont like or feel censored by the level we feel is acceptable on here we encourage them to use the other websites available.

Over the years many people have complained about the level we drew the acceptable line at, and in response we in certain areas “lightened up” . It is fair to say though that many many more people use the website without ever questioning our policies on content.

Its all about choice, people have the choice to come here and abide by the standards we have set, or use another website that allows them to post more adult content.

To take your comments and put them into an analogy,

We live in a small village (Lets call it internetville)

The village does have a small drugs problem

Most teenage kids in the village probably know which house (website) in the village deals drugs

By your way of thinking each house should have drugs in it because the kids already know where they can get it from and if its in the house at least you can supervise it.

My way is that it is the householders choice, and if they decide that they will not have drugs in the house all the other villagers can decide wether they wish to go round to, or their kids to visit their friends in a drug house or a drug free one.

If people then do not respect your wishes to keep your house drug free and insist on coming round and leaving wraps in full view sooner or later you dont let them through the door.

Maybe the example is a little extreme - but the logical process is the same. :bulb:

Denis F:

surely you’re not suggesting that because some web sites have swearing and ■■■■ then they all should ?

Or because some high streets have ■■■ shops then Tescos should sell adult magazines and toys ? I can imagine the headlines in the daily mail already :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Actually Tesco do sell ■■■ toys, Dutex play are on sale in tesco’s so are lads mags such has Nuts and Zoo amongst others.

So where are the Headlines

But Tesco’s have a line where they have decided thats as far as they want to go with the adult products. It is is up to to Tesco’s to decide where they feel that line is appropriate and which products to allow on their shelves.

Other stores have far more explicit items and the shopper has a choice which store they wish to shop in.

Almost every single website has a line it draws regarding the content on it. That line varies according to what the website is meant to be about. Obviously a website that exists to provide graphic ■■■■■■ content could not have the line drawn at the level we do. Similarly on a website that caters for primary school kids the line would be far higher than here.

This website is set up to allow decent discussion of the transport industry and in particular the role of drivers within the industry. We hope to provide an enviromnt where all members of the industry, and those interested in it can participate and so drew a fairly high line for language and content.

Other websites have been succesful in also having the industry discussions but allowing more explicit content and language. that to my mind is a good thing as it gives the webuser the choice.

If people dont like or feel censored by the level we feel is acceptable on here we encourage them to use the other websites available.

Over the years many people have complained about the level we drew the acceptable line at, and in response we in certain areas “lightened up” . It is fair to say though that many many more people use the website without ever questioning our policies on content.

Its all about choice, people have the choice to come here and abide by the standards we have set, or use another website that allows them to post more adult content.

To take your comments and put them into an analogy,

We live in a small village (Lets call it internetville)

The village does have a small drugs problem

Most teenage kids in the village probably know which house (website) in the village deals drugs

By your way of thinking each house should have drugs in it because the kids already know where they can get it from and if its in the house at least you can supervise it.

My way is that it is the householders choice, and if they decide that they will not have drugs in the house all the other villagers can decide wether they wish to go round to, or their kids to visit their friends in a drug house or a drug free one.

If people then do not respect your wishes to keep your house drug free and insist on coming round and leaving wraps in full view sooner or later you dont let them through the door.

Maybe the example is a little extreme - but the logical process is the same. :bulb:

Yes it’s very extreme, this isn’t a small village it’s a massive mettropolis, with more hiding places for bad men to hide than even in the real world.

Different drugs have a different levell of accetability, take alcohol, a drug and very harmfull and addictive, they have shops on every corner selling that drug and we read in the papers what drink is doing to society. Do you stop that coming into your house, no in fact it is talked about and boasted about in lots of threads esspecially in Bully’s.
Cigarettes are another drug, I don’t know if you smoke but a very large percentage of the world do, I know it’s frowned upon by the altruistic governments of the world, but it is accepted. Even though it causes so many deaths.
There has also been mentions of drugs such has canabis mentioned in the forum, I know one of your mods smokes canabis so he is bringing it in to your house weekly, and you’ve made him one of your security guards.
Canabis has not been related to any death in the world, but that in your analagy is unacceptable.

This part of the forum by it’s very name is a place for adults to meet and relax, have a chat, tell a few jokes, some of them a little risque. Granted there is a line and every adult knows the line, I am not saying it should be a free for all with ■■■■ and swear words all over the place, the balance on the whole is good.

With what you are saying , this site is to talk about the transport industry, then their should not be a Bully’s truckstop bar. it says in the tag line to relax and talk about anything else apart from trucking. When was the last time you were in a bar that was full of truckers, I know the atmosphere is different now but not so long ago the air would have been blue. In the shop outside the bar there would be a stand with magazines, videos amongst the other truckers neccesities. All these viewable by kids along for the ride with Dad.

Now I don’t expect any rules to changed, I know there’s no chance of that, all I want is a discussion about what members feel towards the way the rules are enforced, how many under 18’s actually come on this site and are you actually protecting kids from anything with your stance on censorship.

The thing that makes me smile the most is [ZB], you don’t need much of a brain to realise what word as been censored. I showed a post to my 14 year old, with some ZB’s in it and he knew every word and even laughed at it saying what a waste of time that was.

You are missing the point totally, In your house you are welcome to draw the line on what is welcome and what isnt, As a visitor to your house if it was a no smoking house I would’nt smoke in it. If I wanted a cigarette I would go outside or to a house that permitted smoking. If I insisted on smoking in your house against your wishes I would expect to be shown the door very quickly :slight_smile:

In my analogy above you can replace drugs with cigarettes, drink, TV sets, pop music, ■■■■■■■■■■■- anything. The point is the householder sets what is acceptable in their house.

If I find their limitations on what I can do while in their house too harsh, I wouldn’t go round there again. And if I couldnt stay away I would accept that if I wanted to visit thats the limitations I have to accept

On the web you can visit sites that allow more explicit content than here if you wish. Those website owners have themselves set the limits they feel is acceptable on their websites

It is not a matter of if a line should be drawn regarding appropriate content, I think any sane person would agree there has to be control over content posted to websites, I think also it would be hard to argue against ensuring the websuser has a choice to go to websites with more adult content or less

Many people use a number of transport forum websites for that very reason, each one has its own agenda and guidelines. So if they wish a higher level of adult banter/content or jokes they spend time on the websites that cater for that.

TruckNet UK and its owners choose to position the website with a lower level of adult content than some other transport related forums. This gives the web user the chance to decide for themselves which format they prefer.

If all the websites had the same or similar level for appropriate content, then there would be no variety, and no choice for the user.

Canabis has not been related to any death in the world,

Where did you get that info from? Cannabis has been a contributory factor in many road deaths and suicides (it can make a person extremely paranoid and induce psychosis, mental instability and suicidal thoughts, especially “skunk” which can be up to 7 times stronger than herbal Cannabis).

I can understand a liberal parenting style and I wouldn’t dream of preaching about that. We all bring our kids up differently and I think, within common sense and reason, that’s an important thing. It is prudent to remember, however, that kids are amazingly trusting and impressionable and can generally be easily influenced by sensationalism or even something as simple as an adult telling them something is true.

Personally, whilst my kids are very young, I want to protect them from the seedier side of life, I want to protect them from the realities of horrible diseases (cancer etc), I want to protect them from the truth about some of the awful things people do to each other. OK, as a policeman, I do see and [have to] do things that would be unimaginable to ordinary citizens, so I guess I have a slightly more jaded perspective on life (and death). My kids will have enough exposure to that stuff as they get older and I will (hopefully) be on hand to gently guide and teach them about these things with a view to them making their own minds about it all. I DO want them to have a happy and carefree childhood without having to take on too much crap before they really have to!

Okey, you make some reasonable arguments, you bring up your kids in the way you see fit and in the way you think is best for them. No-one can slate you for that (I’m certainly not) and Rikki makes some equally pertinent points about the content of this website. The very fact that the content is carefully controlled introduces freedom of choice…if a person doesn’t like the content of the site (or lack of content), then they are free to visit a different site which will satisfy their needs!

Personally, I think the balance is just about right on TNUK…that’s why I keep coming back and interacting on it!

Happy thoughts everyone!