Keen to get a job?

Hello dears :grimacing:

Just looking for a thought or two, if you nice folk wouldn’t mind.

On-spec, I called in at a local firm on Tuesday night to see if there was owt doin’. Nice TM gave me an application form and told me more or less what I expected to hear, it’s quiet at the mo but if I fill in the form and return it, etc, etc. Nothing ventured, nothing gained thinks I so filled in said form and dropped it in on my weary way home Wednesday night to be told that they might need a couple of drivers very soon so I might just have been in the right place at the right time, for once :unamused: :unamused: .

Question: what’s a good way to play this one? Should I show my handsome features at the firm as often as I can, which can be every day as I practically pass them on my way to and from work, or should I wait and hope? Suggestions are greatly appreciated. From what I know, they’re a decent firm to work for, they run good clean wagons and have some good contracts so if there’s any chance of a job, I’d like to make sure I’m in with a shout.

Thanks in advance.


That could be a difficult call, on one hand you want to show enthusiasm on the other you could be seen as a nuiscance if you appear to be a waste of there time.I think as they have your details you should leave it at that.

WELCOME threewheelsonmywagon

:bulb: Find out when the TM has a ‘quiet time’ during the week and call once a week during that time.

WELCOME threewheelsonmywagon

:bulb: Find out when the TM has a ‘quiet time’ during the week and call once a week during that time.

but not when he’s on the vinegar stroke :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

Id give them a few rings through the week, certainly wouldnt go in everyday.

Who ever thought that it would be so difficult to get a lorry driving job.I told my parents 40 years ago that I was hoping to leave school be a motor mechanic then drive lorries.Told that I was daft as driving is a dead end job.