Just had a telephone Interview

and looking for some quick ops to the email I received after it if ok…

I wont say for what role as I fear spit and ridicule lol but I’m just keeping my future options open…

So I were told if successful id wait 7 days for an email to say I had been, well mine came after 40 mins so I thought cool, got on well with the lady, yeah I felt good tbh.

Now it basically says, congratulations on passing your interview, we endeavour to contact all trainees blah blah blah only those who score their desired level will succeed, but we shall be in touch shortly.

So that’s the jist, but the company say, you pass three tier’s, telephone being the last then its assessment day/formal interview, SOOOO I don’t wish to be/sound thick lol but anyone reckon I’m doomed already for the fail or its just a procedure/equality email for arse covering?

Cheers All :sunglasses:

I’m sorry, I may be missing something here, but are you applying for a driver job? If yes, the process smells of a company that considers itself a ‘logistics provider’… run away.
If not, why ask about it here?

the nodding donkey:
I’m sorry, I may be missing something here, but are you applying for a driver job? If yes, the process smells of a company that considers itself a ‘logistics provider’… run away.
If not, why ask about it here?

Yeah its a driving/logistics job lol…erm the vehicle is a rigid too lol

Just wondered if the general jist of the email sounded good for me or I’ve gone as far as I’m going to in this particular application.

How old are you? :unamused:

How old are you? :unamused:

I bet he’s 32.

33 at a push.

Talking to the chap who sifted through the piles of applications , he said he binned 90% due to poor spelling / grammer, so to get to a phone call from said company I think it sounds really positive benji
Nb a old hand jumped in , and off he went saying we want Zb truck drivers not English teachers , no wonder the jobs zed, then off he went on what qualifications did hr bloke have to decide who was a good driver or not , had he ever been behind the wheel, old hand left f and blinding whilst hr bloke sat there speechless


How old are you? :unamused:

I bet he’s 32.

33 at a push.

May I ask why it matters…i am over the age of consent if that makes you happy?

GOOD glad that’s settled, I am just asking for some thoughts as I’ve a family to support and am trying to keep myself planning ahead . :unamused: