Just found something cool

I hope i’m not giving second hand news here and everyone else knows bar me :blush:
Found this…

I thought it was great. Someone should tell the old timers forum. Might spot themselves in it :laughing:

Nicked posted in Old Timers forum

Nicked posted in Old Timers forum

Looks good doesn’t it? Great idea to reproduce it all. Old timers 'll love it :smiley:

Cue ear bashing from SWMBO.Not explored yet,but it’s got to be done. :laughing: :laughing:

Sir +:

Why can’t people just put the bloody word■■? Too many abbreviations :imp: Some posts are hard to read :unamused:


Sir +:

Why can’t people just put the bloody word■■? Too many abbreviations :imp: Some posts are hard to read :unamused:


OHHHHH ffs thats me up all night again … thanks :imp:

I found this ugly mug on it…

archive.commercialmotor.com/page … ly-2010/19

and here:
archive.commercialmotor.com/arti … come-an-ow

and again:

archive.commercialmotor.com/arti … n-your-own



Sir +:

Why can’t people just put the bloody word■■? Too many abbreviations :imp: Some posts are hard to read :unamused:

Im with you, got no idea what that means.



Sir +:

Why can’t people just put the bloody word■■? Too many abbreviations :imp: Some posts are hard to read :unamused:

Im with you, got no idea what that means.

She Who Must Be Obeyed. Been around for decades that one.


Gorrit…thanks :unamused: :unamused: seems childish text speak to me, but I am 103 years old :laughing: :laughing:

Lot of reading there to catch up on :smiley:
Found this article interesting
archive.commercialmotor.com/arti … ial-motors

Gorrit…thanks :unamused: :unamused: seems childish text speak to me, but I am 103 years old :laughing: :laughing:

Comes from the TV programme “Rumpole of the Bailey”. That’s what he always called his wife.

Cheers for that :unamused:

Cos I don’t waste enough time browsing the internet :laughing: