Just a general question

What are the rates like on scrap (I know each area may differ) but in general do the rates change with the price of scrap?? I know it’s at a big low now… Do the rates get lowered??

Thanks in advance

If you mean from a haulage point of view, Ad hoc, I would assume they would fluctuate in line with prices.

Otherwise, I’d assume the price and any deviation from it would be included in any contract drawn up.

Don’t know about the rates but I guess it still costs you X amount to move it no matter what it’s worth.
Still seems plenty of motors in and out of EMR at Tilbury at the moment.

Depends if there’s a boat to fill too .

If mr gupta gets his way and turns all tatas blast furnaces into electric scrap recycling furnaces then theres certainly going to be a big demand for scrap bulk haulage

If mr gupta gets his way and turns all tatas blast furnaces into electric scrap recycling furnaces then theres certainly going to be a big demand for scrap bulk haulage

Just can’t see this happening yet mate, in the current economic climate. There is a glut of stored steel in China; the cause of such low prices which led to Tata putting the show up for sale.

Sure the blast furnaces will produce steel at a cheaper price…but it still needs to sell.

Was just wondering with scrap been on its ■■■ price wise, if rates would go much lower’ like someone said above there’s still running costs…

Cheers folks

Was just wondering with scrap been on its ■■■ price wise, if rates would go much lower’ like someone said above there’s still running costs…

Cheers folks

The price of new steel is also on its arse but i still get the same rate for delivering it as i did a couple of years ago