Announced today JLR are taking the Marque all electric & phasing out diesel engines. 60% of Land Rovers will have a plug from 2024 too. … ric-brand/
Announced today JLR are taking the Marque all electric & phasing out diesel engines. 60% of Land Rovers will have a plug from 2024 too. … ric-brand/
Not a problem-none of their products interest me!
Ok, so when all the other Marques follow suit, then we have no more diesel or petrol cars, what are the Govt going to do about all the lost tax revenue?
^^^^ keep your eye on your domestic electric bill to see exactly how they’ll recoup the loss
the maoster:
^^^^ keep your eye on your domestic electric bill to see exactly how they’ll recoup the loss
Yep,.I didn’t think for a minute they would give us any tax concessions by allowing us to save on motoring costs,.they’ll deffo make us suffer for it somehow.
Announced today JLR are taking the Marque all electric & phasing out diesel engines. 60% of Land Rovers will have a plug from 2024 too. … ric-brand/Not a problem-none of their products interest me!
^^^ this^^^
Not as any of us here will be buying any new cars, wots the point we ain’t allowed to go anywhere bar to work or to the supermarket so for those two purposes my present steed will see my working life out.
Won’t be having the medical treatment they keep confusing with a real vaccination, so won’t be allowed in the supermarket once the vaccination passport (verr are your papers comrade) DePfeffel says we won’t be having get issued.
Fine by me, millions of us won’t need a car at all, where they going to get the revenue?
the maoster:
^^^^ keep your eye on your domestic electric bill to see exactly how they’ll recoup the loss
16p per kwh + road fuel duty + 20% VAT as opposed to 12p per kwh including Road Fuel Duty and 20% VAT.
Followed by ‘equalisation’ ( increase ) of gas prices ( 3p per kwh ) v electric 20p per kwh including 5% VAT.If not cutting off domestic gas/oil/coal supplies leaving the choice of electric or nothing.
Good luck with that.The global warming believers get what they wish for but bankrupt the non believers with them.
All that at the cost of burning living trees in the form of biomass instead of dead ones in the form of fossil fuel and inevitable nuclear disaster.
It wouldn’t be the first time that JLR think their customers have to buy their products.
Unless they know that the government intends to wipe out all existing car use by stopping petrol and diesel supplies very quick leaving them with a perceived captive market.While car makers withdraw all product support for conventional vehicles.
It can’t possibly work otherwise given the continuing choice between classic/conventional cars v EV’s.
Meanwhile fossil fuel production continues just as before it’s now all about ‘who’ gets it not capping oil/gas wells.
Ok, so when all the other Marques follow suit, then we have no more diesel or petrol cars, what are the Govt going to do about all the lost tax revenue?
This fuel revenue malarkey is going to get real interesting in the next four years! BP & Shell have been buying up every EV charging company they can lay their hands on, Shell have announced today they’re upping their public charging infrastructure in all markets from 60000 to 500000 by 2025 Where are they going to install all these! get rid of some diesel/petrol pumps at petrol stations to make room? and says it wants to sell 560 terawatt hours/year by 2030
Which is twice the electricity as today.
As Shell is signed up to carbon neutrality by 2050 Shell states that it wants to avoid emissions of around 120 million tons per year by 2030 by means of carbon capture ( more expense that will be passed onto ICE users!!!) and it plans to expand its renewable energy business greatly. The treasury will want their pound of flesh before much longer that’s for sure, Petrol has gone up 4p/litre last month alone & from what I’ve read they’re looking to raise fuel duty in the Spring budget to keep in line with Paris accord.
the maoster:
^^^^ keep your eye on your domestic electric bill to see exactly how they’ll recoup the loss
Our electricity supplier keeps pestering to have a Smart meter installed, but I am not interested. Often wonder if they could be set up to sense what type of appliances were using power and if it was a car being charged up there would be some kind of extra duty applied.
the maoster:
^^^^ keep your eye on your domestic electric bill to see exactly how they’ll recoup the lossOur electricity supplier keeps pestering to have a Smart meter installed, but I am not interested. Often wonder if they could be set up to sense what type of appliances were using power and if it was a car being charged up there would be some kind of extra duty applied.
They’ll just make car charging from dedicated metering and plugs compulsory.With punitive penalties for any tax avoiding pirate charging.
A bit like filling up with red diesel now.
They won’t be able to hide the real terms figures for ever behind loss leader pricing and tax avoidance.
The fact is it’s 16p per kwh + road fuel duty + 20% VAT by today’s electric prices.
When a litre of petrol/diesel contains 9/12 kwh respectively including road fuel duty and VAT at 20%.
As for the Paris Accord it’s clear what it’s all about and it has nothing to do with cutting let alone capping fossil fuel production and use.
It’s like turkeys voting for Christmas and a government imposing LibDem policies on a bent Conservative mandate clearly with the intention of doing what’s good for China.Developing country yeah right.
says it wants to sell 560 terawatt hours/year by 2030Which is twice the electricity as today.
Where are the earnings coming from to pay for all that at 16p per kwh + road fuel tax + VAT at 20% by todays prices.
The mugs are filling up their EV’s at subsidised loss leader electricity prices and 5% VAT and they think that it will stay like that.
Let alone when they stop the use of cheap gas for domestic heating to increase the scam.
It’s obvious that they’ll have stripped most of our woodland at that point for biomass and we’re talking about an expensive unaffordable nuclear fuelled nightmare from then on.It’s clear where the orders are coming from for all this and who is pulling Bozo’s strings.
the maoster:
^^^^ keep your eye on your domestic electric bill to see exactly how they’ll recoup the lossOur electricity supplier keeps pestering to have a Smart meter installed, but I am not interested. Often wonder if they could be set up to sense what type of appliances were using power and if it was a car being charged up there would be some kind of extra duty applied.
That’s what it’s always been about, automated taxation, but the end game is complete private home monitoring of electrical devices, ever more state control.
adopt stage Russio/German accent ''ve haf information (from your thought report and confirmed by the listening devices you bought over the last few years) you plan to travel to a demonstration against the glorious State, your car has been automatically discharged and your implanted microchip social credit chip invalidated so you will be unable to leave district 19 by any means, The Ministry of Truth has deemed you vill need to attend a re-education camp to have your citizen approval re-instated
Yes that’s a ■■■■ take but one can only wonder how far these people are prepared to go, we’ve got once sound sounding Dominic Raab floating the potential for vaccine passports (for shopping and travel etc), something Blair desperately wants to run alongside his identity card wet dreams.
I too have no intention of volunteering for a smart meter, but fear they will be compulsory once the climate reversal movement gets into top gear later this decade.
The only good thing about all that is coming is that people who failed to think for themselves are getting exactly what they voted for.
It will be very interesting to see how things pan out with the proposed deep coal mine in ■■■■■■■■ The goverment said it was down to the County Council to decide on permission. The council approved the plan but now the climate lobby are throwing their toys out of their collective pram.
Personally think it’s a great move by Jaguar. Being early to this could be a massive boost for their future prospects.
32 Gas Fired and 10 Oil Fired power stations i9n the UK will guarantee Shell and BP some income and will be a source of revenue for the UK Government
I see Ford Europe have joined Jaguar & just announced they will only sell fully electric cars by 2030 with their first BEV rolling out of the Cologne factory in Germany using VW’s MEB skateboard platform in 2023.…urope-by-2030/
Posts like some here always bring up this image in my mind…0
Bearing in mind that Communist produced CO2 from fossil fuel use is considered ok and no one is capping any oil or gas wells any time soon and in fact China is foraging for more in numerous places like South Asian Sea, they are right.
Tell us more about the hockey stick data scam and the resulting Mann v Ball libel case.
What would Earth’s temperature be at an atmospheric pressure of 92 bar.You know like Venus where the theory came from but retaining our 0.04% CO2 component.
Oh and move it a few tens of millions of miles closer to the Sun.
How does adding massive amounts of man made water vapour from cooling towers and burning living trees instead of dead ones help.
While it’s all moot when no one can afford it and the inevitable nuclear disaster happens.
No problem if Switchlogic says it’s all a good thing for us then who is to argue with him.
Wheel Nut:
32 Gas Fired and 10 Oil Fired power stations i9n the UK will guarantee Shell and BP some income and will be a source of revenue for the UK Government
Since when did domestic gas and electric have road fuel duty and 20% VAT put on it.Good luck with keeping warm and cooking at 16p per kwh + 20% VAT, let alone 16p per kwh + road fuel duty + 20% VAT.
You do know that gas is presently 3p per kwh including VAT.No surprise what Beijing Bojo and Biden intends to do about that.
I see Ford Europe have joined Jaguar & just announced they will only sell fully electric cars by 2030 with their first BEV rolling out of the Cologne factory in Germany using VW’s MEB skateboard platform in 2023.…urope-by-2030/
Oh to be ten years older at this point and 1968.
Picture the scene unaffordable energy costs followed by massive nuclear disaster within 20 years and forests burnt for biomass.Greenhouse water vapour and non greenhouse CO2 levels actually increasing and Oxygen levels correspondingly decreasing.
Followed by equally massive public backlash against all those who brought us there and them denying all responsibility.
Unless it comes with the rule of the Communist/Globalist jackboot.
In which case we’re all in this together comrade do you agree get clapping or else.