ITV News

Someat on about trucks in 5 minutes.

Well I thought that went well… What is a juggernaut? You can’t sell that kind of thing in Britian, its to backwards in thinking to give that a fair trail if its a good thing or bad thing. Instead of the cones at the test track it should use real people with their heads burried in the tarmac to get the Great British public’s normal mode of thinking about things.


missed it so was it the normal anti truck crap or in our favour?

what do you think :imp:

Anyone like to elaborate other than “it was anti truck crap”.

Started with lady going fears over new juggernault, then showing the Denby roadtrain. A reporter gave a very one sided view, the guy telling us all about it didn’t get much chance to explain and then cut to a friends of the earth type fella which said it would kill people, as thats what trucks do… in a nutshell, i guess it will be on again come news time.

Started with lady going fears over new juggernault, then showing the Denby roadtrain. A reporter gave a very one sided view, the guy telling us all about it didn’t get much chance to explain and then cut to a friends of the earth type fella which said it would kill people, as thats what trucks do… in a nutshell, i guess it will be on again come news time.

Priceless, you would expect ‘Friends of The Earth’ etc would SUPPORT an initiative that could potentially remove half the vehicles from the roads at certain times / places. :unamused:

I dont think they will catch on for the same reason you dont see that many 18.75m wagon and drags about and wagon and drag are mostly limited to “specialist” areas.

Unhitching the box is a pita. Most RDCs want the thing on the door, off and gone. I did try to get MFI interested in some boxes with doors and both ends so you could unload both vehicle and trailer in a one go but they were not that interested.

the carbon foot print would be a positive point its more like a slow news day to me and would take all the sensationalism out of the story

thats what i like to see reporting of sensational rubbish rather than hard fact

is it me or am i a cynical git :laughing: :laughing:

Unhitching the box is a pita. Most RDCs want the thing on the door, off and gone. I did try to get MFI interested in some boxes with doors and both ends so you could unload both vehicle and trailer in a one go but they were not that interested

The M&S wag & drags have shutters on both end of the trailers to allow this.

the carbon foot print would be a positive point its more like a slow news day to me and would take all the sensationalism out of the story

thats what i like to see reporting of sensational rubbish rather than hard fact

is it me or am i a cynical git :laughing: :laughing:

Now you shouldn’t go expecting common sense, remember all green types wish us to return to bicycles & horses. No room for 60 tonne juggernauts to kill all and sundry…

That’s the unsensational view anyway