ok I’m at a all time low I could post this in the newbi corner but that part of my issues is only the tip of the iceberg… I’m stressed out! it all began back in October last year… what was meant to be my greatest moment turned in to a nightmare got a new job lost it in 4 days top it off I was working my notice at my old job but thay screwed me over by claiming I walked out during a shift… so iv been unemployed since then and I have been trying to get back into work just nothing is out there and lets not forgot the same lame excuse no Experience … and thats the tip of the iceberg now here where things go wrong
firstly I live at home with my folks never could afford my own place never would get one from the local government… so while I was working I helped pay bills and stuff… then in January my dads car blew up… now if I was working my hand would be in my pocket to help get it back on the road so I feel kinda bad and then a few weeks later he is taken ill at work… he works away from home alot and not only that hes geting on a bit so it was bound to happen sooner or later… at first the doctors thought it was a problem to do with his kidney (he has 2 kidneys but only one works properly) but it turns out it was something else… his hip!!! now both of his hips are artificial (metal) and its the first one had done giving him the grief
he had is first one done back in 03 no follow ups or check ups done on it in over 10 years and now he has been told that due to the brake down of the metal hes got some sort of blood poisoning and it could lead to cancer… and now there going to operate in the next few weeks big worry is will thay stick a new hip in or will it be some sort of wedge and if its the wedge he’ll be off work for 6 to 12 months while his body fights off the infection…
so yeh its kinda messed up I can’t do anything to help out