Good stuff… :slight_smile:

any word on the problem?? :laughing:



Are you on heavy medication?

Are you on heavy medication?

No why??


No words on what happened today, I will say thanks to our hosts for getting us back on line, Given recent events we are looking at a plan that should minimise these problems in the future, we do apologise for the downtime, rest assured we do take this seriously and will be looking at all options to stop it happening again

Thanks to yourself Rikki and your hosts for sorting the problem.
Cheers Dave.

No words on what happened today, I will say thanks to our hosts for getting us back on line, Given recent events we are looking at a plan that should minimise these problems in the future, we do apologise for the downtime, rest assured we do take this seriously and will be looking at all options to stop it happening again

Well, Thanks very much admins for all your hard work getting it back :slight_smile: its appreciated :slight_smile: might be worth seeing about a temporary backup mirror host JUST incase it all goes ■■■■ up again!

cheers team



The entire site has been moved overnight to new servers, some folks will be able to get on here already, for others they may have to wait until the new server address fully propagates around the web.
We apologise for the downtime yesterday which was due to circumstances beyond our control.

It is acting a bit weird at this end, it has caught a few out with multiple postings, the page just goes blank when you hit post. well it does on Firefox

Been off all day here, back up 15 minutes ago… Just said forums down for maintenance…
WB :smiley: