italy tolls

hi folks,

im heading to milan for a load back home and although ive done italy before ive never been to milan! i know there is daft wee tolls that charge 50c. etc

can anyone tell me roughly how much it will cost from the brenner pass to milan and back the same way (the gaffer is a tight arse and wont let us use the tunnel

thanks in advance and merry chritmas to one n all

Calculation toll

How do you calculate

The toll is the amount you pay for the use of the highway.

The criteria for the calculation of tolls for the Italian motorway network are determined by the specific sector legislation (laws of the State and, in more recent years, CIPE decisions - Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning), transposed into agreements in place between the company dealerships and the Grantor ANAS.

To get the amount you pay, the customer must multiply the unit rate , for km, whereas in addition to the miles between the exit and the exit are counted, and that from the date of opening to traffic, the junctions kilometers, braces feed and motorways free before and after the toll that have been built and are operated by the licensee.

The amount thus obtained must add VAT (21%) and apply the rounding , either up or down, to 10 euro cents.

Further insights on the toll


The unit rate applied depends on the following elements:

  • Type of vehicle used (5 classes). On sections of Highways for Italy and almost all the other concessionaires vehicle classification is made on the basis of physically measurable elements such as: - the shape - that is, the perpendicular height of the vehicle on the front axle - for vehicles with 2 axles (classes A, B)
  • the number of axles for vehicles or convoys with more than two axles (classes 3, 4, 5).

To see the class membership of your vehicle and get to know the relative standard rate applied in the calculation of tolls click here .

  • Features of the motorway routes (plain or mountain) The unit rate shall take into account the costs of construction, operation and maintenance of the motorway (which is why the features of the mountain, full of viaducts and tunnels, they cost more).
  • Concessionaire that manages the paths in the case of companies that include more motorways. In this case it is necessary to separately calculate the miles and unit rates of each before applying rounding.


Rounding is applied automatically without any discretion on the part of Highways for Italy and is governed by the Inter-ministerial Decree no. 10440/28/133 of 12 November 2001 of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The system of rounding provides that if the toll due to submit a final figure of less than 5 € cents, pays the toll that the user is rounded to the nearest 10 cents lower, if the final figure is equal to or greater than 5 cents for the toll 'User is rounded to 10 cents higher. So for example, if the toll is equal to the amount you pay € 1.13 to € 1.10 is rounded up if the toll is equal to € 1.16 is rounded to 1.20 €.

The only exception is represented by the Naples ring road on which tolls for the peculiarity and uniqueness of the artery classification system adopted for the purpose of tolls charged, rounding it to 5 € cents.


It should also be noted that there are cases where the charge is independent of the mileage and the pricing is fixed.
These are the sections of motorway called “OPEN SYSTEMS” (eg, A8 Milano - Laghi, A12 Roma - Civitavecchia and some individual stations) where the customer does not collect the ticket that allows you to determine where you are coming from and / or where it is direct. The path actually taken is not known, so the distance (km) on which the calculation of the amount payable refers to a fixed-length flat-rate basis with the approval of the grantor (ANAS).

These systems differ from “CLOSED SYSTEMS” (the majority), in which the customer withdraws a ticket incoming and outgoing delivery, paying the toll corresponding to the distance traveled. = Toll Tarif/ km and class

Sorry i don´t find more…maybe it will help you a little bit

I found another page to calculate the toll in Italy…maybe it will be helpfull for someone