It seems my thread has been deleted!

Denis F:

At the end of the day, it shouldn’t be the moderators job to nursemaid users…users should understand that if you post something libellous, then you could well end up in court defending it.

but if you’re a hotshot lawyer looking to win a test case you’re not likely to go after a lorry driver with limited funds you’ll look for a publishing company who might have more funds !!!

So…why hasn’t it happened at some point in the last 10 yrs?

One probable reason is that, believe it or not, outside of the special interest group that a forum serves, very few people know, or care, what goes on.

In the 4 or 5 yrs pre Sky ownership of the football forum i spoke about earlier, amongst the 20000 or so members there was massive amounts of libel posted, relating to footballers and other public figures, stuff that would send your legal team into paroxysms of stress…yet not once was the owner/publishers approached by any legal representatives asking them to cease and desist, or to name posters so that they could be sued. And it was owned by a big web media company…not a one man band.
We are talking about a forum who single handedly wrecked Sky’s website photo gallery of the London Marathon by sending in very badly photoshopped pictures with various obscene, libellous and mostly funny themes.
Yet not even that attracted the legal vultures. Not one.

So…forgive me if i am not at all convinced about the threat to corporate owners of communities.

Yet not even that attracted the legal vultures. Not one.

So…forgive me if i am not at all convinced about the threat to corporate owners of communities.

RBI had lots of threats from Legal Vultures working for a well known company that was subject to rumours

wishes the sceptical could be here during an average week to count how many times the phone rings with yet another company or their lawyers threatening legal action

So…why hasn’t it happened at some point in the last 10 yrs?

One probable reason is that, believe it or not, outside of the special interest group that a forum serves, very few people know, or care, what goes on.

Hi DonutUK,

To answer your question above, I’d say that you might be surprised at what a ‘Google’ search brings up.

So…forgive me if i am not at all convinced about the threat to corporate owners of communities.

OK, be completely unconvinced if you so wish, but have you the bravery to put it to the test under your own name and at your own expense?

At the end of the day and WADR, you being (rightly or wrongly) unconvinced won’t make any difference to the instructions given by the owners of TNUK, who gave those instructions after having taken legal advice.

:bulb: If it wasn’t you who was unconvinced, what would you think of a person/organisation who paid for legal advice regarding their website and then ignored that advice simply because one forum member is unconvinced?