It seems my thread has been deleted!

My thread regarding Pollock has been deleted, would someone care to explain why rather than just delete without explaining to me in a PM as to the reason why.

Read the rules regarding gossip… and see if you can guess why… :unamused: :wink:

and no PM because its Saturday night and am in the process of putting my kids to bed…

As businesses rely on their reputation to get contracts, keep contracts etc With you posting a thread that could be detrimental to that business if a potential customer or current seen it and was influenced by it.

So if a company is in trouble or you know something sensitive you should post evidence to a credible link
along with your thread.

Say for example a company was looking at pollock to do trans and the person who makes decisions at that company happened to be reading on here that they are in trouble, it is feasible that person could be influenced by that.

Ok fair enough but would have liked a PM from the person removing it to say that it was being removed and the reason why, some ppl have no manners.

If these sorts of threads are removed can someone explain why the thread regarding Stobart losing Coca Cola in Wakefield has remained as when it was posted it was a “rumour” but i see that thread is still there?

if you set up a fake webpage before hand and link to it then the story will stand up, if you just post a thread withought using a link to a webpage then it gets deleted.
Mods have an obsession with sources, if edward stobart posted a thread saying his company was going bust then it would get deleted, you have to make a webpage first, then post a thread linking to that page, that will make sure your thread stays put :wink:

if you set up a fake webpage before hand and link to it then the story will stand up, if you just post a thread withought using a link to a webpage then it gets deleted.
Mods have an obsession with sources, if edward stobart posted a thread saying his company was going bust then it would get deleted, you have to make a webpage first, then post a thread linking to that page, that will make sure your thread stays put :wink:

Thanks for tht mate! :smiley: :wink:

Ok fair enough but would have liked a PM from the person removing it to say that it was being removed and the reason why, some ppl have no manners.

If these sorts of threads are removed can someone explain why the thread regarding Stobart losing Coca Cola in Wakefield has remained as when it was posted it was a “rumour” but i see that thread is still there?

Perhaps because your thread has been reported, and there is a big difference between talking about possible loss of a contract and gossiping about a rumour about a company in trouble/going bust…

Also a small point… ND have got the vending machine side of CCE but not out of Wakefield as far as is known atm… … nterprises

if you set up a fake webpage before hand and link to it then the story will stand up,

No it wont, it will still get deleted… :wink: and if you go to the trouble of buying a domain name and building a website that looks credible, then I am sure the courts will love you if the story isnt true… As they would to us if a message posted here is shown to be damaging.


Ok fair enough but would have liked a PM from the person removing it to say that it was being removed and the reason why, some ppl have no manners.

If these sorts of threads are removed can someone explain why the thread regarding Stobart losing Coca Cola in Wakefield has remained as when it was posted it was a “rumour” but i see that thread is still there?

Perhaps because your thread has been reported, and there is a big difference between talking about possible loss of a contract and gossiping about a rumour about a company in trouble/going bust…

Also a small point… ND have got the vending machine side of CCE but not out of Wakefield as far as is known atm… … nterprises

if you set up a fake webpage before hand and link to it then the story will stand up,

No it wont, it will still get deleted… :wink: and if you go to the trouble of buying a domain name and building a website that looks credible, then I am sure the courts will love you if the story isnt true… As they would to us if a message posted here is shown to be damaging.

Well if we are sticking to the rules then it doesnt matter if we are talking bout loss of a contract or a possible company going bust, it is just a “rumour” so going on the rules this thread should have been removed also.

As for it being reported, some ppl really must have nothing better to do than report things, get a life you ppl!

As for it being reported, some ppl really must have nothing better to do than report things, get a life you ppl!

Well you reported the Wakefield thread by drawing my attention to it in this post :wink: :wink: and its also been removed as unsubstantiated rumour… congrats :grimacing: :grimacing:

If the forum owners are unaware of the content, and remove it in a timely manner when their attention is drawn towards it, then in law we have a defence against the post being damaging… once we are made aware of it we if have to remove it asap…

I would say the people who run any publishing activity are obliged to act with propriety otherwise they lose credibility and possibly gain legal action against them, as has been seen elsewhere of late.

I would say the people who run any publishing activity are obliged to act with propriety otherwise they lose credibility and possibly gain legal action against them, as has been seen elsewhere of late.

That and my boss shouts at me a lot when the lawyers bills go too high , and I have sensitive hearing :wink: :wink: :wink: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


As for it being reported, some ppl really must have nothing better to do than report things, get a life you ppl!

Well you reported the Wakefield thread by drawing my attention to it in this post :wink: :wink: and its also been removed as unsubstantiated rumour… congrats :grimacing: :grimacing:

If the forum owners are unaware of the content, and remove it in a timely manner when their attention is drawn towards it, then in law we have a defence against the post being damaging… once we are made aware of it we if have to remove it asap…

Yeah but what i mean with ppl reporting things is they go snitching behind your back rather than post on the thread that they are reporting it, spineless they are!

Or perhaps they have a business/job to defend against unfounded and damaging drivers bull manure, you know the sort of crap that most of us filter out in cafes, on the train, and in truckstop bars.

Or perhaps they have a business/job to defend against unfounded and damaging drivers bull manure, you know the sort of crap that most of us filter out in cafes, on the train, and in truckstop bars.

Ok we shall see then! They do say theres no smoke without fire.

Shut yer ■■■■■■ whining will ya. Its not hard to understand ffs.

Shut yer ■■■■■■ whining will ya. Its not hard to understand ffs.

Whats it to do wi you like?? Unless ur one that reported it?

I wasn’t but, if i’d’ve read it, because I’ve read the rules, I probably would’ve done.

I wasn’t but, if i’d’ve read it, because I’ve read the rules, I probably would’ve done.

How do you know what it said then if you didnt read it?

Can’t be bovvered, only one sure way to get this thread deleted.

Stobbies is going bust on monday.

Im sure they will just delete your post only!